A719A77Abbeydale WayAbbey DriveAbbey RoadAbbotsford PlaceAbbotsford RoadAcland StreetAcorn Business ParkAcre MeadowAcre Rise Brantcliffe DriveAdam Smith TheatreAdamson AvenueAdamson PlaceAdel WillowsAgnew RoadAilsa HospitalAilsa Hospital East EntranceAilsa Street EastAirebank TerraceAireborough CentreAireburn AvenueAire CloseAiredale Avenue Rycroft AveAiredale Avenue Woodside ViewAiredale College TerraceAiredale Hospital Main EntranceAiredale Hospital (Stop A)Airedale Hospital (Stop B)Airedale Hospital (Stop C)Aire StreetAireville DriveAireville TerraceAireville Terr Station RdAireworth Rd Aireworth GroveAireworth Rd Back Colenso RoadAireworth RoadAirport Industrial Est NorthAirport Industrial Est SouthAkroyd ParkAlbert AvenueAlbert SquareAlbert StreetAlbert Street (Stop Hb9)Albion PlaceAlbion RoadAlbion Road - Upper Camden StreetAlbion StreetAlder Community High SchoolAlderston DriveAldiAldi Poulton RoadAlegar StreetAlexander StreetAllerton Health CentreAllerton Primary SchoolAllerton Road AldiAllerton Road Crow Tree LnAllerton Road Ivy LnAllerton Road North ParadeAllerton Road Pearson LnAllerton Road Saffron DrAllerton Road Squire LnAllerton Road West Park RdAllerton Road Yew Tree AveAlloe Field ViewAll Saints RchsAll Saints RoadAll Souls RoadAlma RoadAlmer DriveAlmondbury Co-OpAlmondbury TerminusAlmondbury WmcAlmscliffe Village HallAlpin RoadAlston Retail ParkAmazonAncaster AvenueAncaster RoadAncrum DriveAncrum RoadAnglesey RoadAnnan AcademyAnnan RoadAnnan TescoAnsdell RoadApethorn LaneApperley Bridge Rail StationApperley Lane Acacia Prk DrApperley Lane Cliffe DrApperley Lane Rail StationApperley Lane Springwood RdApperley Lane Woodhouse Grove SchApperley Road Croft StApperley Road Leeds RdAppleton AcademyArdross PlaceArgyle StreetArkwright HouseArkwright StreetArkwright Street (Stop Me01)Armley Grange DriveArmley Park GatesArmley PrisonArmley Ridge RoadArmley Road BottomArm RoadArran CourtArran DriveArrol AvenueArthur StreetArundel CloseArundel Gate/Ag12Arundel Gate/Furnival StreetArundel Gate/Howard StreetAsa Briggs ParkAsdaAshbourne CrescentAshbourne Rd Ashbourne AveAshbourne Rd Broomhill AveAshbourne Road Ashbourne HavenAshbourne Road Ashbourne OvalAshbourne Way Ashbourne GarthAshbourne Wy Ashbourne RoadAshbrooke DriveAshbrook Hey LaneAshbrow RoadAshcroft FarmAsh DriveAshfield AvenueAshfield CourtAshfield Rd Ashfield TerrAshfield RoadAshfield Road Ivy RdAshford RoadAsh GroveAshgrove FarmAshgrove RoadAshley Hall MewsAshwell Medical CentreAshwell Road Parsons RdAshwood DriveAskew Road West-Oak SquareAskew Road West-ParkAskham Road EndAstley StreetAthol RoadAuchenbeg CrescentAuchterderran RoadAuckland WalkAuld Shank InnAumberry GapAvenue Retail ParkAveringcliffe Road Orchard GroveAvondale RoadAvondale StreetAyresome OvalAyr HospitalB1230 GilberdykeB1230 HowdenB7034B734B742Back Clough The RiseBack Clough Westercroft LaneBack LaneBack Lane End - New Rd EndBack Lane Hob LnBaildon BridgeBaildon Community LinkBaildon Glen SchoolBaildon GreenBaildon Recreation CentreBaildon Recreation GroundBaildon Road ChurchBaildon Road Rockcliffe AveBaildon Road St Aidans RdBaildon Road Temple Rhydding DrBaildon TowngateBailiff Br FieldsBailiff BridgeBailiff Bridge FieldsBailiff Bridge JunctionBailiff Bridge (Stop C)Baineshill DriveBalfour CourtBalgarthno RoadBalgarthno StreetBallantine DriveBallingry RoadBallingry Turning CircleBalme RoadBalmoral AvenueBalmoral CrescentBancroft AveBankfield DriveBank FoldBanksideBanks Lane Ilkley RdBanks Lane Southfield AveBanks Lane St Marys RdBanks Lane Western AveBank TopBarBarbieston RoadBargate BridgeBar House LaneBarkerend Rd Harewood StreetBarkerend Road LidlBark LaneBar LaneBarley Cote Avenue Ilkley RdBarley Cote Road Barley Cote AveBarmby RoadBarnes CrescentBarnes LaneBarnford CrescentBarnsideBarnsley Interchange/A23Barrack RoadBarrack Road-Leazes CourtBarrack Road-Leazes ParkBarrack Road-New MillsBarrington AvenueBarry StreetBarthorpe CloseBartle LaneBartle Lane Great Horton RdBartle Lane Hollybank RdBatley Commercial St CBatley Commercial St DBatley Girls High SchoolBattyeford SchoolBaxter Gate (Stand Ba)Baxter LogsBayton Lane JctBbc Tv CentreBbg AcademyBeacon BingoBeacon PlaceBeacon Road Beacon BrowBeal CrescentBeastmarket Hill (Stop B2)Beaumont ArmsBeckfoot Grammar School (Stop B)Beckfoot Oakbank SchoolBeckfoot Thornton SchoolBeckside Road Clayton RdBeckside Road Spencer RdBeech AvenueBeechcliffe SchoolBeech GroveBeech LawnBeechwood Close Keighley RdBeechwood Medical CentreBeechwood ParkBeechwood Rd Kingdom HallBeechwood Rd Public LibraryBeechwood RoadBeechwood Road Beechwood DrBeetwell Street (Stop G)Begg FarmBeldon Lane Poplar GroveBeldon Road Belton CloseBeldon Road Ward StBelgrave Road Richmond StBell Dean Rd Avocet CloseBell Dean Rd Wallingford MntBell Dean RoadBell Dean Road Bracewell AveBell Dean Road Marmion AveBell Dean Road TopBelle Isle CircusBellerby BrowBellerby Brow Buttershaw DriveBellerby Brow Mandale RoadBellevale AvenueBellevue StreetBells CloseBell VillasBellyeoman Primary SchoolBellyeoman RoadBellyeoman SurgeryBenarty AvenueBenarty SquareBennane Head Access PathBennochy BridgeBennochy GardensBensham Road-Alexandra VillasBensham Road - Coatsworth RoadBensham Road-Musgrave VillasBenson StreetBent LaneBentley AvenueBent Ley RoadBenton Park Road-Balliol GardensBenton Park Road-Benton Lodge AvenueBenton Park Road-Hobart GardensBenton Park Road-Trentham AvenueBenton Park SchoolBeresford TerraceBertram DriveBest Lane Hebden Bridge RdBewsey Lodge PrimaryBewsey RoadBidwell CrescentBierley BarBierley TerminusBillams Hill Farnley LaneBingley Grammar SchoolBingley Main Street ABingley Main Street BBingley Park Road CBingley Park Road DBingley Rail Station EBingley Rd Canberra DriveBingley Rd Cragg View FarmBingley Rd Ryelands GroveBingley Rd Thorn LaneBingley Rd Toller LaneBirch StreetBirchwood GardensBirdwell DriveBirkenshaw BarBirkenshaw Co-OpBirkenshaw LaneBirkenshaw Town StBirstall Cricket ClubBirstall Market Place ABirstall Market Place BBirtley Lane-Manor HouseBirtley Lane-SchoolBishop Alcock RoadBishopdale CloseBishops WayBlack BullBlackfriars StreetBlack Hill Lane Raynham CrescBlackman LaneBlack Moor FarmBlack Moor Rd Crumack LaneBlack Moor Rd Grange FarmBlack Moor Rd Naylor Hill QuarryBlack Moor RoadBlack Moor Road Long CausewayBlackness RoadBlackstone AvenueBlack Swan PhBlairmore RoadBlakehill SchoolBlakeridge LaneBlenheim RoadBluebell DiveBluebell DriveBluebell HotelBold Venture GarageBolling Road Fairfax StBolling Road Linton StBolling Road Manley RdBolling Road Marlborough GroveBolling Road Mill LnBolling Road SouthwayBolling Road Wheatley LnBolton BridgeBolton JunctionBolton LaneBolton Lane Queens AveBolton Lane WhitewaysBolton Rd Farfield HouseBolton Rd Fishbeck LaneBolton Rd Main StBolton Rd The AcresBolton Road BrierdeneBolton Road Cringles LnBolton Road Lippersley LnBolton Road North StBolton Road Pickard LnBonegate RoadBonemill Lane - Biddick LaneBootsBoston BoulevardBoston Hill WoodBoundary AvenueBowhill ViewBowland StreetBowling Back LaneBowling Back Lane Bow BeckBowling Back Lane Hammerton StBowling Back Lane Mount StBowling Back Lane Parry LnBowling Back Lane Sticker LnBowling Back Lane Swain GreenBowling ChurchBowling GreenBowling Green StreetBowling Hall RoadBowling Hall Road Burras RdBowling Hall Road Flockton DrBowling Hall Road Lister AveBowling Hall Road Rooley LnBowling Old LaneBowshawBowshaw InnBoyle CourtBrabins SchoolBrabyns RoadBracewell Avenue TopBracken Bank Ave Ingrow LaneBracken Bank Avenue Central DrBracken Bank Avenue Greystones RiseBracken Bank Avenue TopBracken Bank CrescentBracken Bank GroveBracken Bank WayBracken Bnk Avenue B Bank GrBracken EdgeBrackenly LaneBrackenwood DriveBraddocks CloseBradford Central MosqueBradford CollegeBradford Fire StationBradford Grammar SchoolBradford Moor Golf ClubBradford Moor Golf CourseBradford Moor ParkBradford Rd Grove TerraceBradford Rd Leeds RoadBradford Rd Menston Old LaneBradford Rd Newlands CrescentBradford Rd Newlands GroveBradford Rd Sandholme DriveBradford Rd Station RoadBradford Rd Tenterfield RiseBradford RoadBradford Road Hare & Hounds PhBradford Road Marldon RdBradford Road Park ViewBradford Road SouthwayBradford Royal Infirmary EBradford Royal Infirmary (Stop C)Bradford Royal Infirmary (Stop D)Bradley BarBradshaw ChurchBradshaw Lane Upper Fold FarmBradshaw Road Bradshaw AveBradshaw Road Derwent RdBradshaw Road Fisher GreenBraithwaite AvenueBraithwaite Road New ChurchBraithwaite Road West LnBraithwaite Road Whinfield DrBramhope Ch HillBranch RoadBrandon StreetBrassey Road Ashby StBreak NeckBreary LaneBriar RoadBrick House FarmBricknell SchoolBridge EndBridgehouse LaneBridgehouse Lane (Stop N)Bridge St Hillside AveBridge StreetBridge Street Aireworth StBridge Street Police StationBridge Street (Stop S1)Bridge Street (Stop S2)Bridle LaneBrierley BridgeBriggateBrigghills FarmBrighouse Bus Stn ABrighouse CemeteryBrighouse & Denholme Gate Rd Cross LnBrighouse & Denholme Gate RoadBrighouse & Denholme Gate Road Cross LnBrighouse & Denholme Gate Road Halifax RdBrighouse & Denholme Road Fleet LnBrighouse & Denholme Road Old Guy RdBrighouse High SchoolBrighouse McdonaldsBrighouse PoolBrighouse Rail StationBrighouse Rd Cragg LaneBrighouse Road Golf ClubBrighouse Road Jackson Hill LnBrighouse Road RidgewayBrighouse Road SandbedsBrighouse SainsburysBrighouse Tesco(Brigstock) Sandlands AvenueBrimington Road NorthBrindley RoadBrisbane AvenueBritannia StreetBrithBritish LegionBroadlands The HallowsBroadlands WestwayBroad LaneBroadwater Caravan ParkBroadwayBroadway AvenueBrocklands FarmBrocklesby DriveBrookfields RoadBrookfield StreetBrooklandsBrooklands CrescentBrooklyn HouseBrookroyd LaneBrooksideBrookside RoadBrook StreetBroom GardensBroomhill Ave Exley CloseBroomhill Avenue Whitley RdBroomhill GroveBroster Avenue BottomBrougham StreetBrowgateBrown Cow Ph Harden RdBrown Hill DriveBrownhill TerraceBrownroyd Hill Rd Briarwood CrescentBrownroyd Hill Road Carr Bottom AveBrownroyd Hill Road St Enochs RdBrownroyd StreetBrow Top RoadBrow Wood CrescentBruce DriveBrunswick StreetBrunton Lane - Kingston Park ShopsBryanstone Road Broad LnBryanstone Road Parsonage RdBuchanan Bus StationBuller StreetBunny LaneBurley Main StreetBurley Road Brooklands WalkBurley Road Chevin AveBurley Road Halstead DrBurley StreetBurley Water WorksBurley Wood MountBurness AvenueBurnfoot BridgeBurnsall BridgeBurnside MillBurrells LaneBus DepotBusfield Arms PhBusiness ParkBus Interchange (Stand 17)Bus Interchange (Stand 18)Bus Interchange (Stand 2)Bus Point (Stand 2)Bus Point (Stand 3)Bus ShelterBus StationBus Station Arrival BayBus Station ArriveBus Station (Bay 8)Bus Station (Stance 10)Bus Station (Stance 2)Bus Station (Stance 4)Bus Station (Stance 6)Bus Station (Stance 8)Bus Station (Stand 0)Bus Station Stand 03 (Stand 03)Bus Station Stand 04 (Stand 04)Bus Station Stand 05 (Stand 05)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station Stand 1Bus Station Stand 10 (Stand 10)Bus Station Stand 11 (Stand 11)Bus Station (Stand 15)Bus Station Stand 17 (Stand 17)Bus Station (Stand 2)Bus Station (Stand 3)Bus Station Stand 4Bus Station Stand 4 (Stand 4)Bus Station Stand 5Bus Station Stand 6Bus Station (Stand 8)Bus Station Stand A (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station Stand B (Stand B)Bus Station Stand C (Stand C)Bus Station Stand D (Stand D)Bus Station Stand E (Stand E)Bus Station (Stand F)Bus Station Stand F (Stand F)Bus Station Stand G (Stand G)Bus Station (Stand H)Bus Station Stand H (Stand H)Bus Station Stand J (Stand J)Bus Station Stand K (Stand K)Bus Station Stand L (Stand L)Bus Station Stand M (Stand M)Bus Station Stand N (Stand N)Bus Station Stand P (Stand P)Bus Station Stand Q (Stand Q)Bus Stn (Stand 10)Bus Stn (Stand 11)Bus Stn (Stand 12)Bus Stn (Stand 15)Bus Stn (Stand 16)Bus Stn (Stand 17)Bus Stn (Stand 20)Bus StopBusy LaneBusy Ln Leeds RoadButchers Arms JunctionBute Street Stanley RdButtars LoanButtars StreetButtershaw BecButtershaw DriveButtershaw LaneButterwick CottagesButterworth StreetButts Street (Stance 1)Buxton LaneByron SchoolByron StreetCairnhill PlaceCairnryan Post OfficeCairnryan RdCala GranCaledonian UniversityCaledonia StreetCaledonia Street Gordon StCaley CragsCaley LodgeCallington DriveCalverley Town GateCamborne RoadCambridge RoadCanada RoadCanal BridgeCanal Rd Midland TerraceCanal Rd Sidings CloseCanal Road Bolton LnCanal Road Gaisby LnCanal Road Peel CentreCanal Road Station RdCanal StreetCanal Street (Stop C2)Canford CloseCanmore LodgeCannon MillsCanterbury Ave Little Horton LaneCanterbury AvenueCanterbury Avenue Central AveCanterbury Avenue Horton Park AveCanterbury Avenue Luke RdCapledrae FarmCaravan ParkCardenden RoadCardenden ShopsCardigan FieldsCarlinghow HillCarlisle CloseCarlton Bolling CollegeCarlton CourtCarlton RoadCarnegie DriveCaroline Street Albert RdCaroline Street Baker StCaroline Street Edward StCaroline Street Exhibition RdCarparkCar ParkCarr Bottom Rd Hawes GroveCarr Bottom RoadCarr Green Lane Buttermere DrCarr Hill Road-Elgin RoadCarr Hill Road-Ruskin RoadCarr Hill Road-Strathmore RoadCarr House LaneCarr House Ln Cooper LaneCarr House Rd Carr House LaneCarr House Rd Cooper LaneCarrick AvenueCarrick GardensCarrick Glen HospitalCarrick House Nursing HomeCarrick StreetCarr LaneCarr Lane Carr BankCarr Lane Hall LnCarr Lane Park RdCarr Lane Primary SchoolCarr Lane Prospect MountCarr Ln Hollin LaneCarron PlaceCarrot Farm CottagesCarr Side CrescentCartgateCashmere StreetCasterton AvenueCastle DeneCastledene RoadCastledene Road - Gloucester RoadCastle Gate (Stop M5)Castle RoadCastle SquareCastletown DriveCastle View TerraceCastley LaneCathedral NCathedral PCathedral QCathedral RCathedral SCathedral SquareCathedral StreetCathedral TCatherine SlackCatherine TerraceCauseway Foot Coal LaneCavendish MemorialCavendish Street (Stop T2)Cavendish Street (Stop U2)Cedar RoadCedar Road-Grange RoadCemeteryCemetery LaneCemetery Rd Nicholas CloseCemetery RoadCemetery Road Glendare RdCemetery Road Mortimer StCemetery Road Necropolis RdCemetery Road Wallis StCentenary PlaceCentenary WayCentral AvenueCentral DriveCentre (Stop 1)Centre (Stop 3)Chaigley ManorChain Bar LaneChain Bar RoadChain Bar RoundaboutChapelChapeldonanChapel FoldChapelford FarmChapel LaneChapel Lane Back LnChapel Lane Cunliffe LnChapel RoadChapel RoundaboutCharles St Fox StreetCharleston BarCharleston SchoolCharter Row/Moorhead Mh5Cheadle Post OfficeCheadle RoadCheapside LCheapside MCheapside N9Chellow GrangeChellow Grange RoadChemical WorksCherry Tree Rise Alder AvenueChesterfield Road/Albert RoadChesterfield Road/Beeton RoadChesterfield Road/Binfield RoadChesterfield Road/Bromwich RoadChesterfield Road/Cobnar RoadChesterfield Road/Haughton RoadChesterfield Road/Millmount RoadChesterfield Road/Nettleham RoadChesterfield Road/Olivet RoadChesterfield Road/Scarsdale RoadChesterfield Road/Smithy Wood CrescentChesterfield Road South/Batemoor RoadChesterfield Road South/Bochum ParkwayChesterfield Road South/Lowedges RoadChesterfield Road/Tadcaster RoadChesterfield Road/The DaleChesterfield Road/Valley RoadChesterfield Road/Woodbank CrescentChesterfield Road/Woodseats RoadChester Road-Boundary HousesChester Road-FernleaChester Road-Grangewood CloseChester Road-Hindsons CrescentChester Road - Station RoadChestnut DriveChevin AvenueCheviot RoadCheviot ViewChickenley Heath FarmChickenley Lane TopChild Lane Fountain DrChurchChurch Bank-Lodge TerraceChurch Chare SchoolsChurch DriveChurch HillChurchill StreetChurchill Street-Archer StreetChurchill Street-Engine Inn RoadChurchill Street-Greenside AvenueChurchill Street-Perth GardensChurchill Street-SchoolChurchill Street - Stanley StreetChurchill Street-Windsor DriveChurchill WayChurch LaneChurch RoadChurch Rooley LaneChurch St Low Mill LnChurch StreetChurch ViewChurch WalkCity Park ACity Park BCity Park CCity Park GCity RoadCity Square BCity Square CCity Square DCity Square FCivic LCivic QCladdyburn TerrClapgatesClaremount RoadClarence StreetClarendon HotelClarendon RoadClarendon SquareClarendon StreetClarendon Street Kensington StClare RoadClarges StreetClayton Road AldiClayton The AvenueClayton Town End AClayton Town End BClayton Town End CClayton Victoria ParkCleasby RoadCleasby Road Hawksworth DrCleasby Road TopCleckheaton Bus Station BCleckheaton Bus Station ECleckheaton Fire StnCleckheaton LibraryCleckheaton Market PlaceCleckheaton New CemeteryCleckheaton Town HallClickemin BridgeCliffe AvenueCliffe Lane WestCliffe RoadCliffe Wood ViewClifton Bridge South (Stop Wi07)Clifton Bridge South (Stop Wi08)Clifton Green (Stop Cl84)Clifton Green (Stop Cl92)Clifton LaneClifton Pastures (Stop Cl87)Clifton Pastures (Stop Cl89)Clifton RoadClough DriveClough Road Police StationClune TerraceCluny ParkCoach And HorsesCoach LaneCoach RoadCoalpots RoadCoast Road - Glanton RoadCoast Road-Norham Road NorthCoast Road-Norham Road SouthCoates Middle SchoolCobden StreetCockersdaleCock HillCockshott LaneColbran StreetColdwell LaneColdwell Lane - Albion StreetCollegeCollier Lane Bentley CloseCollier Lane Strathmore DrCollingham Main StColliston RoadColne LaneColne Road Windsor RdCommercial RoadCommercial St Bridge StCommercial Street Otley RdCommercial Street Upper Ashley LnCommon RoadCommunity CampusCommunity CentreConcrete WorksCongreve ApproachConistone Lane EndConiston Road EastConnaught AvenueConnell College TerminusCononley LaneConsett Bus Station Stand AConway CrescentCo-OpCooper Lane Beacon RdCooper Lane Blackshaw DrCooper Lane Cooper GroveCooper Lane Howden BrookCooper Lane JunctionCooper Lane Soaper LnCooper Lane TerminusCooper Lane Torre RdCooper Lane Westbury RdCopeland DriveCope StreetCopgrove RoadCopleyhill Trading EstateCopley House FarmCoppice Wood AvenueCorby RoadCorn Exchange FCoronation CrescentCorrance RoadCote Farm LaneCotswold Avenue Bodmin AveCotswold Avenue Westfield LnCottagesCottam AvenueCottingham GroveCottingley BarCottingley Cliffe Rd New BrightonCottingley Moor Rd Lee LaneCottingley Moor Road Bradford Old RdCottingley Moor Road Florida RdCottingley Moor Road Lysander WyCottingley New Road Bradford Old RdCottingley New Road Bradford RdCottingley New Road Hollings StCottingley Rd SchoolCottingley Road Wilsden RdCouncil AvenueCountances WayCounty HallCounty Hall (Stop B)County Road NorthCoupar Angus RoadCoutances WayCoverleyCowpasture Road Crossbeck RdCrabtree GreenCrabtree HillCrabtree StreetCraftCrag CloseCrag Hill RoadCrag LaneCrag Rd Marion DriveCrag Rd Owlet RoadCrag Road Fair BankCrag Road LibraryCrag Road Poplar RdCrag Road Rochester StCrag ViewCraigowan RoadCramond GardensCranmer RoadCranshaw StreetCraven ArmsCraven CollegeCraven DriveCraven StreetCressell ParkCrestfield AvenueCrestville RoadCricket ClubCricketers Arms PhCricket GroundCrimple Garden CentreCrimsworth TerminusCroft Flat Drive Thorgrow CloseCroft Flat Drive Wakefield RdCroft StreetCrosfieldsCrosland Factory LaneCrosland Spring LaneCrossCross AvenueCrossflatts B&M StoresCrossflatts StationCross Green RoadCrosshills Social ClubCross KeysCross LaneCross Lane Victoria RdCrossley HallCrossley Hall SchoolCrossroadsCross Stamford StCross Sun StreetCrow LaneCrow NestCrownest Lane Priestthorpe RdCrown HotelCrown Point DCrown Point (Stop C)Crown Point (Stop E)Crow PointCrowther StreetCrow Trees LaneCrusader Island (Stop Cl85)Crusader Island (Stop Cl91)Cullingworth StreetCultural ACulzean RoadCumberland RoadCunliffe RoadCure HillCurzon AvenueCurzon StreetCuthbert StreetCutler Heights LaneCygnet HospitalCypress CrescentCyprus DriveDaisy BankDaisy Hill Aireville DriveDaisy RoadDalacres DriveDaleford CloseDaleside RoadDale StreetDale View Rd Aspen CloseDale View Rd Dale View CloseDallam Ave Hirst LaneDallam Avenue Dallam WalkDalrymple StreetDalton Green LaneDamon AvenueDamsideDawson LaneDawsons Corner RdbtDawsons Corner RoundaboutDean RoadDeanwood AvenueDearnley AvenueDeep LaneDeep Lane Cross LnDeep Lane WestgateDe Lacy AvenueDe La Pole AvenueDelius AvenueDelves LaneDenby DriveDenby Hill RoadDenby Mount Mount ViewDenend CrescentDenholme Gate Rd AllotmentsDenholme Gate Rd Southfield TerraceDenholme Gate RoadDenholme Gate Road Coley RdDenholme Gate Road Northedge LnDenholme Gate Road TowngateDenholme Gate Road Westercroft LnDenholme Rd Jew LaneDenholme Rd Leeming ReservoirDenholme Rd ReservoirDenholme Road Dol BridgeDenholme Road Leeming ReservoirDenholme Road Spring RowDenton BridgeDenver DriveDerby TupDerwent RoadDerwentwater Road-PitzDerwentwater Road-Ropery RoadDerwentwater Road-South Hill RoadDerwentwater Road-Teams BridgeDerwentwater Road-Teams ClubDetroit RoadDevon DriveDevonshire ArmsDevonshire Street Scott StDevonshire Street Suresnes RdDewsbury Rd MorrisonsDewsbury Road Thorn ViewDick Lane Barberry AveDick Lane Dudley StDick Lane JunctionDick Lane Parsonage RdDick Ln Lower Rushton RoadDickson TimberDixon LaneDoctor LaitheDog And Gun InnDog And PartridgeDog & Gun PhDomestic RoadDonisthorpe StreetDonkey DerbyDoonholm FarmDorchester RoadDorset Street Dorset CloseDorset Street Gurney CloseDouglas DriveDouglaswoodDowhill
Downside CrescentDowson RoadDradishaw Road Skipton RdDradishaw Road Vale GroveDragon BridgeDrebley LaneDrewry Road Argyle StDrighlington XroadsDruids StreetDrygateDuckworth Lane (Stop A)Duckworth Lane (Stop B)Dudley HillDudley Hill RoadDudley Hill Road Askrigg DrDudley Hill Road Pelham RdDudley Hill Road Tower StDudley Hill RoundaboutDuke Of YorkDulverton GroveDuncan AvenueDuncan StreetDuncarse RoadDuncraig RoadDundas StreetDundee FarmDunholm PlaceDunmore Nursery SchoolDunsford AvenueDunston Road-Beech DriveDunston Road-Meadow LaneDunston Road-ParkDurham RoadDwp Tyneview ParkDyer Street (Bay 6)Dyneley ArmsDyneley Arms PhDyson StreetEarby RoadEarlsheaton CemeteryEarlsheaton ParkEasby Rd Laisteridge LaneEasby Road AshgroveEast AvenueEast Benton-Station Road NorthEast Bierley Golf ClubEast Bierley Golf CourseEast Bierley GreenEastburn BridgeEast BylandEasterly RoadEastgate NorthgateEastgate Station RoadEast Grange RoadEast GroveEast Keal HallEastrington High StreetEastrington Howden RoadEastrington Station RoadEccleshill Community HospitalEccleshill Co-OpEccleshill LibraryEccleshill Mechanics InstituteEccleshill ParkEccleshill Retail ParkEccleshill Sports ClubEden AvenueEdgeway PlaceEirw RoadElboltonElder AvenueElder LeaEldon StreetEldwick Primary SchoolElectricity Sub-StationElford PlaceElizabeth DriveElland LaneElland Ln Springfield RoadEllar GardensElliott St Queen StreetElliott Street Oakland StEllison RoadEllison Road-Catholic ChurchEllison Road-The CrescentElmete DriveElmete LaneElmore TerraceElm RoadElmsley StreetElm StreetElm TerraceElmwood RoadElsinore Ave Cresfield CrescentElsinore Avenue Cresfield AveEmbsay Road JunctionEmmanuel CollegeEmm Lane Park DrEmm Lane Wilmer RdEmmott ArmsEndor CrescentEnfield CentreEnnerdale Road-Hartington RoadEnnerdale Road-Hayton RoadEnnerdale Road-Lorton AvenueEnnerdale Road-Solway AvenueEshton HouseEugene Gardens (Stop Me03)Eugene Gardens (Stop Me08)Euroway Industrial EstateEversley ViewEvery StreetEwart St Southmere GroveExley HeadExley Mount Broomhill AvenueExley Mount Exley RoadExley Road Oakworth RdEyres LaneEyre Street/Moor Market Es3Fabis Drive (Stop Cl01)Fabis Drive (Stop Cl41)Fagley TerminusFairbank RoadFairfield RoadFairham WayFair Isle Bowling GreenFairless AvenueFairneyfauld Road EndFairviewFairweather GreenFallowfield DriveFallowfield Shopping Centre (Stop A)Fallowfield Shopping Centre (Stop B)Fallowfield Way-SouthcroftFalsgrave AvenueFaltis SquareFarfield Avenue Boltby LnFarfield Avenue Orleans StFarfield HallFarmFarm CroftFarnell WayFarrer StreetFarringdon Road-Highcross RoadFarringdon Road-Keswick DriveFarringdon Road-Kirkston AvenueFarrington RoadFartown BarFarwater LaneFauldribbon RoadFelcourt DriveFelling Bypass-EnnerdaleFelling Bypass-Henderson GardensFelling SquareFell Lane Holmewood RdFell Lane KeighleyFell Lane Nile StFell Lane Oakworth RdFell Lane Prospect MountFell Lane Rose MeadowsFell Lane Westfell RdFenay BridgeFenay Bridge RoadFenay Lane WestgateFenby Avenue JunctionFenham Hall Drive-Barrack RoadFenham Hall Drive-Fowberry CrescentFenham Hall Drive-Simonburn AvenueFen LaneFenny RoydFen RoadFenwick Drive Abb Scott LnFenwick Drive Angerton WyFenwick Drive Collinfield RiseFenwick Drive Edgebank AveFenwick Drive Egremont CresFenwick Drive Howgill GreenFenwick Drive Middle SchoolFenwick Drive Whitehaven CloseFerens AvenueFernbank DriveFernbank Drive Ferncliffe RdFernbank Drive Moor Bottom LnFerncliffe DriveFerncliffe Road QueenswayFerncliffe Road (Stop H)Ferndale GroveFernside Ave Fernside CresFernside AvenueFernside CloseFernside CrescentFerryFestival Ave Crimshaw LaneFestival Avenue Greenfield AveFestival Avenue Hawthorne AveFforde Grene JctFieldhead DriveFields Farm CloseFields Farm RoadFieldwayFife CollegeFife College GlenrothesFilling StationFinkil StreetFinnarts BayFire StationFirgrove AvenueFir ParadeFirs AvenueFirst AvenueFirst LaneFirth ParkFirth RowFitzroy RoadFitzwilliam Gate/Bishop StreetFive Lane Ends CFive Lane Ends DFive Lane Ends EFive Lane Ends FFive Lane Ends GFive Lane Ends Morrisons AFive Lane Ends Morrisons BFivewaysFlakefleet AvenueFlakefleet SchoolFlat Street/Fs3Fleur De LysFlint StreetFlockhouse AvenueFlushFlushdyke SchoolFlyoverFoggyley GardensFolly Hall Road High StFootball StadiumForedyke AvenueForeman RoadForesters ArmsForest FoldForster Square JForster Square KFoster StreetFour Lane EndsFour Lane Ends AllertonFour Lane Ends (Stop 2)Fowler StreetFox And HoundsFox And Hounds PhFoxfield WayFox'S BiscuitsFox View (Stop A)Fox View (Stop B)Francis StreetFrank StreetFraser RoadFreakfield VicarageFrodingham VillasFront StreetFront Street-College LaneFront Street-Eastfield RoadFront Street-SchoolFulwith Mill LaneFurnace RoadFurnival Street/Arundel LaneFusden LaneFyfe GroveFyfe Grove Lirklands LnFyfe LaneGagarin WayGain LaneGain Lane Fagley RdGainsborough RoadGaisby Lane Carr LnGaisby Lane Crimshaw LnGaisby Lane Powell RdGaisby Lane Thornhill DrGaisby Ln Wrose DriveGalloway Lane Chatsworth RdGalloway Ln Bradford RoadGallows HillGalphay Village CentreGalstones WoodGalsworthy AvenueGame Scar Ln Lund LaneGammie PlaceGamsworth FarmGaol Square (Stand 1)Garden RoadGardom CloseGarsdale CrescentGarven Place Alighting OnlyGatehouse TheatreGateside Industrial EstateGateside VillageGathurst Golf ClubGathurst Hall FarmGathurst Rail StationGathurst Rail Station (Stop A)Gay LaneGaythorne Rd New Cross StreetGaythorne Rd Round StreetGeneral HospitalGeneva WayGeorge A Green RoadGeorge StreetGhyll Wood DriveGibb StreetGilberdyke B1230Gilberdyke Cheapsides LaneGilberdyke Clementhorpe RoadGilberdyke Laxton GrangeGilberdyke Scalby LaneGilbert MountGilbrook WayGill BrowGilmour StreetGilstead Lane Primrose LnGilstead Lane Warren LnGirls Grammar SchoolGirls High SchoolGladstone RoadGladstone StreetGlapthorn TurnGlasgow CrossGlebe CourtGlenalmondGlenapp ChurchGlen ClochGlen DriveGlenholmeGlen Lee LaneGlen Lee Lane Glen GarthGlen Lee Ln Long Lee LaneGlen RoadGlenroyd AvenueGlen Service StationGlensideGlenside FarmGlobe RoadGloucester AvenueGloucester Rd Kent RoadGloucester Road EndGloucester Road - Metcalfe RoadGobind MargGodley BridgeGodley Station (Stop B)Godley Station (Stop F)Godwin Street (Stop T9)Goff Well LaneGoff Well Ln Hill Top RdGoitside DGoitside EGoitside FGolden Acre ParkGolden Days Garden CentreGoldfields Way Moorlands RdGolf CentreGolf Club - BridgeGolf Course RoadGolf ViewGomersal Hill TopGomersal Park HotelGomersal Public HallGomersal SchoolGoodfellowship InnGoose Cote LaneGoose Cote Lane Harewood CrescentGoose Eye BrowGordon RoadGordon StreetGosforth CloseGoulbourne Street South StGowanbank FarmGowrie StreetGracechurch St BottomGracechurch St TopGrace StreetGracey LaneGraham AvenueGrammar SchoolGrammar School (Stand A)Grammar School (Stand D)Grammar School (Stop A)Grampian ParkGranby Drive Granby LnGranby Drive Westfield DrGranby LaneGranby Lane Granby DrGrange CottagesGrange FarmGrange ParkGrange Park DriveGrange RoadGranny Hall LaneGrant AvenueGrantham RoadGrant StreetGrapes HotelGrasmere DriveGrasmere Drive Thirlmere AveGrasmere RoadGrassington RoadGrassington SquareGrattan RoadGray ParkGray StreetGreat Horton Rd TescoGreat Horton Road TescoGreat North RoadGreave House TerraceGreenGreen Dragon PhGreenfield CourtGreengate RoadGreengates CrossroadsGreengates Retail ParkGreen Head LaneGreen Head RoadGreenhill MountGreenhill RoadGreen LaneGreen Lane Fairbank WoodGreen Lane Long HeysGreen Lane Roper LnGreen Ln Roper LaneGreen Ln Taylor LaneGreen Meadow LaneGreen Rd Green LaneGreensideGreenside Co-OpGreenside Ln Birkdale CloseGreen SykeGreen Syke Turn RoundGreenwayGreenwaysGregg PlaceGresham CloseGreyfriars SurgeryGreystone CrescentGriffe DriveGrosvenor RoadGrove Hill ParkGrove Hill RdbtGrove House CrescentGrove House Rd Myers LaneGrove House Road(Gt Add'Ton) Hare & Hounds PhGuard House RingGuard House RoadGuiseley AfcGuiseley Church StGuiseley MorrisonsGuiseley TowngateGun InnGypsum WayGypsum WorksHaddon RoadHaigh Beck ViewHaincliffe Rd South StreetHainworth Lane Moor Bottom LnHainworth Ln Goff Well LnHainworth Wood Rd Back Cliffe TerraceHainworth Wood Rd Bracken StreetHainworth Wood Rd Cliffe TerraceHainworth Wood Rd North Worthville CloseHainworth Wood Rd Woodhouse RoadHainworth Wood Road North Woodhouse AveHalbeath BypassHaley HillHalfway HouseHalifax Bus Station AHalifax Bus Station BHalifax Bus Station EntranceHalifax Bus Station HHalifax Bus Station LHalifax Bus Station MHalifax Bus Station NHalifax Rd Bingley RoadHalifax Rd Cemetery RoadHalifax Rd Cragg LaneHalifax Rd Crawford AvenueHalifax Rd Cross Roads ParkHalifax Rd Damems LaneHalifax Rd Fleece StreetHalifax Rd Hainworth LaneHalifax Rd Hatton CloseHalifax Rd Haworth RoadHalifax Rd Lingfield DriveHalifax Rd Private RoadHalifax Rd Prospect StreetHalifax Rd Queen StreetHalifax Rd Smith AvenueHalifax Rd South RoadHalifax Rd St Pauls AvenueHalifax Rd Sun Wood AvenueHalifax Rd Thornton RoadHalifax Rd Trough LaneHalifax Rd Western WayHalifax RoadHalifax Road Alderson StHalifax Road Allandale RdHalifax Road Bocking WmcHalifax Road Bridle StileHalifax Road Brighouse RdHalifax Road Carr House RdHalifax Road Denholme GateHalifax Road Denholme Gate FarmHalifax Road Farfield GroveHalifax Road Foreside MillHalifax Road Hermit HoleHalifax Road HighfieldsHalifax Road Lees Moor FarmHalifax Road Post OfficeHalifax Road Sutcliffe PlaceHalifax Road The WhinsHalifax Road Thornton RdHalifax Road Wesley PlaceHallHall CottageHall Green LaneHall Ings (Stop H11)Hall LaneHallowes RiseHall RiseHall StreetHallwell StreetHammerstones Rd Hullenedge RdHammerstones Rd Leach LaneHamm StrasseHanover CloseHanover SquareHanover StreetHanover Street (Stop H3)Hanson AcademyHanson School Sports CentreHarbour Rd Harbour CrescentHarbour RoadHarbour Road Reevy DrHarbour Road Vernon RdHarbour Road Wibsey Park AveHarden Lane Bents LnHarden Lane Birchlands AveHarden Lane Cherry Tree RowHarden Ln Cherry Tree RowHarden Rd Blind LaneHarden Rd Narrow LaneHarden Road St Ives RdHarefield DriveHarehills AvenueHareholme LaneHarestanesHarewood Rd Goose Cote LaneHarewood Road Harewood RiseHarker StreetHarley RoadHarper AvenueHarper Bower FarmHarper GroveHarratonHarris Academy NorthHarris Academy SouthHarris DriveHarrison SquareHarris StreetHarrogate Rd Otley Old RdHarrogate Rd Parkin LaneHarrogate Rd Stockhill RoadHarrogate Road Apperley RdHarrogate Road Carr Bottom RdHarrogate Road Laburnum PlaceHarrogate Road Ravenscliffe AveHarrogate Road TenterfieldsHarry LaneHartley HomesHartshead Lane Cross Hill LneHartshead Lane Peep Green RdHartshead ManorHartshead Moor SideHarvard GrangeHaslingden DriveHathaway AvenueHattersley Road WestHaugh MillHaughton Green TerminusHaulage DepotHawkcliffe FarmHawksbridge Ln West Shaw LaneHawksworth Dr East ParadeHawksworth Dr St Peters WayHawksworth RoadHawley'S LaneHaworth ArmsHaworth Rd Annie StreetHaworth Rd Bents LaneHaworth Rd Brantwood DriveHaworth Rd East TerraceHaworth Rd Lane Ends HouseHaworth Rd Lynfield DriveHaworth Rd Old Allen RoadHaworth Rd Sowden RoadHaworth Rd Station RoadHaworth Rd Stoney Bridge AvenueHaworth Rd The AvenueHaworth Rd Thorn DriveHaworth Rd Turf LaneHaworth Rd Vale Mill LaneHaworth Road Bay Of BiscayHaworth Road Brownhill FarmHaworth Road Brown Hill FarmHaworth Road Cecil StHaworth Road Chellow Heights FarmHaworth Road Coldspring HouseHaworth Road Heather GroveHaworth Road Horseshoe CourtHaworth Road Ling BobHaworth Road ParkHaworth Road Springfield FarmHaworth Road Stoney Ridge AveHaworth Road Vale Mill LnHaworth Road Windy GroveHawswater HouseHawthorn DriveHayfield CemeteryHayfield CloseHayfield PlaceHazel AvenueHazelback SchoolHazelbeck SchoolHazelcroftHazel Grove RoadHazelwood RoadHazler LaneHeadingley ArndaleHeadlands Rd Halifax RoadHeadlands Rd Huddersfield RoadHeadlands Road Halifax RdHeadlands Road Huddersfield RdHeadrow BHeadrow DHeadrow EHeadrow HHeadrow IHeadrow NHeadrow RHealds RoadHealth CentreHealth VillageHeath CrescentHeaton SchoolHeaton StreetHebden Bridge District BoundaryHebden Bridge Rd Best LaneHebden Bridge Rd Church StreetHebden Bridge Rd Cricket GroundHebden Bridge Rd Hill House LaneHebden Bridge Rd West DriveHebden Bridge Road District BoundaryHebden Bridge Road Hill House LnHebden Bridge Road Oxenhope CemeteryHebden Bridge Station (Stop Hb1)Hebden Rd Dean StreetHebden Road Brow RdHebden Road Brow Top RdHebden Road Cross XrdsHebden Road Hawkcliffe WorksHebden Road Royd MillHebden Road Royd WoodHebrew RoadHeckmondwike Grammar SchoolHeckmondwike Market PlaceHeights LaneHendon RoadHendry RoadHenley AvenueHenrietta StreetHenshaw LaneHenshaw Lane Henshaw AveHenshaw Lane Sizers CourtHervey RoadHessle Barrow LaneHessle Beverley RoadHessle Ferriby RoadHessle Hull RoadHessle Road Fire StationHessle Swanland RoadHessle The SquareHesslewoodHetchell ViewHewenden MillHeworth Felling By-PassHeworth InterchangeHeygate Lane Heygate CloseHeysham DriveHgte Bus Stn Stand 7HiddlestoneH & I EngineeringHigh AshHigh Ash Spring HillHigh BankHighbridge TerraceHigh Busy Ln Lynden AvenueHigh Busy Ln Vicarage RoadHigher Coach Road Bowland AveHigher Coach Road Gorse AveHigher Coach Road Salt Grammar School (Stop D)Higher Coach Road Salt Grammar School (Stop F)Higher Park FarmHigher Pitcher CloughHighfieldHighfield AvenueHighfield Farm Skipton RoadHighfield GroveHighfield HospitalHighfield Road Calver AveHighfield TerraceHighfield WorksHighgate FarmHighgate Heaton RoadHighgate Quarry StreetHigh Hob Cote FarmHigh House Rd Greenwood DriveHigh House Rd High House AveHigh House Road Myers AveHigh Park Drive Co-OpHigh Point AHigh Point BHigh Point CHigh RoadHigh Royds DriveHigh SchoolHigh School GroundsHigh StreetHigh Street East-Court BuildingHigh Street East-Dene CrescentHigh Street East - Laburnum AvenueHigh Street East - Park RoadHigh Street - Springwell RoadHigh St StationHighthorn FarmHightown ClubHightown SchoolHill CrescentHillcrest Rd Hillcrest DriveHillcrest Road Hillcrest AveHilldyke RoadHill End LaneHill RoadHillside BridgeHillside CrescentHill StreetHill Top CottagesHill Top Rd Half Acre RdHill Top Rd Half Acre RoadHill Top Rd Wicken LaneHill Top Road Hainworth LnHillview CrescentHillylaid RoadHindle StreetHipperholmeHipperholme JunctionHmrc Benton Park ViewHmrc Tyneview Park Whitley RoadHob Cote LaneHob Lane FarmHob Ln Back LaneHockney RoadHodder Bridge HotelHodgson LaneHoghton AvenueHolbeck LaneHolden Lane The BeechesHolden RoadHoldsworth Rd Brow LaneHoldsworth Rd Laurel Bank CloseHoldsworth Rd Riley LaneHoldsworth RoadHolgate SchoolHollings RoadHollingwood LaneHollingwood Lane Frensham DrHollingwood Lane Highlands GroveHollinleaHollins Hill FarmHollins Hill Station RoadHollins Hill Tong ParkHollins Place (Stop Hb12)Hollins Spring AvenueHollybank Rd Brackenhill DriveHollybank Rd Hollingwood LaneHollybank Road Hollybank GroveHolly StreetHolme BridgeHolme HouseHolme House Ln Newholme New RdHolme LaneHolme StreetHolmfirth Rd Royd RoadHolmfirth Rd Wetlands RoadHolroyd HillHolt LaneHoly Family Catholic School (Stop A)Holy Family Catholic School (Stop B)Holy Saviours SchoolHolywell Cross (Stop V)Home CroftHoniton AvenueHonoria StreetHood LaneHope Hill View Airedale AvenueHope Street (Stop Hb8)Hopton AvenueHorbling LaneHornbys CornerHornbys Corner IslandHorsforth RdbtHorsforth RoundaboutHorton Bank ChurchHorton Bank Country ParkHorton Building - Univ Of BradfordHorton Grange RoadHorton Park Ave Great Horton RoadHorton Park AvenueHorton Park Avenue Crossley StHorton Park Avenue Horton Park CentreHospitalHospital LaneHotham Road NorthHoults Ln Cherry Tree DriveHoward Park SchoolHoward StreetHowcans LaneHowden Ferryboat InnHowden FlatgateHowden Hull RoadHowden Knedlington RoadHowden Pinfold StreetHowden Rd Hawber LaneHowden Rd Ings WayHowden Rd Jacques GroveHowden Rd Weatherhead PlHowden RoadHowden War MemorialHowgillbridgeHowgill FarmHoyle Court RoadHoyle Ing RoadHuddersfield AsdaHugh PlaceHullen EdgeHullenedge LaneHullet CloseHulme RoadHunslet CentreHunslet Health CentreHunsworth Lane Greenroyd AveHunsworth Lane Hurstville AveHunsworth Lane Links AveHunsworth Lane Mill LnHunsworth Lane Motorway BridgeHunsworth Lane Plane Trees CloseHunsworth Lane Riverside DrHunsworth Lane Willow StHunsworth Lane Winfield DrHunters InnHunters Inn PhHut GroupHutton Rd Carr Bottom RoadHutton Rd Hawes RoadHyatt CrescentHyde Bus Station (Stand F)Hyde Market Place (Stop Dd)Hyde Park CornerHyde Prk CornerHyndford PlaceHyndford StreetHyrstlands ParkIce Arena I (Stop G1)Idlecroft RoadIdle Medical CentreIdle Rd Bolton RoadIdle Rd High House RoadIdle Rd Pen CloseIdle Rd Swain House RoadIdle RoadIdle Road Myers LnIdle Road Norman GroveIdle Road Norman LnIdle Road Sefton PlaceIdlethorp WayIdlethorp Way Sedburgh CloseIdlethorp Wy Averingcliffe RoadIlkley Rd Church StreetIlkley Rd Old LaneIlkley Rd Skipton RoadIllingworth Fire StationIllingworth Road ShopsImperial CourtIndustrial EstateIng Head GardensIngleby Rd Northside RoadIngleby Rd Syedna WayIngleby Road Duncombe StInglis View CottageInglis WayIngrow LaneIngrow Lane Wheat StIngs Grove ParkIngs LaneIngs RoadIngs WayInnermessanIntake LaneIntake RoadInterchangeInterchange ShelterInterchange (Stand 3)Interchange (Stand 7)Interchange (Stand A)Interchange (Stand B)Interchange (Stand D)Interchange (Stand E)Interchange (Stand F)Interchange (Stand H)Interchange (Stand J)Interchange (Stand K)Interchange (Stand L)Interchange (Stand M)Interchange (Stand N)Interchange (Stand P)Interchange (Stand Q)Interchange (Stand R)Interchange (Stand S)Interchange Stand T (Stand T)Interchange (Stand U)Interchange (Stand V)Interchange (Stand W)Interchange (Stand X)Interchange (Stand Y)Iron Bridge(Irthlingb') 143 Addington Road(Irthlingb') Laundry(Islip) Nene View(Islip) Primark Warehouse(Islip) Riverside Way(Islip) St Nicholas' ChurchItv YorkshireIvanhoe Care HomeIvegateIveston Road - Pontop ViewIveston Road - Shaftoe CloseJack LaneJacques GroveJameson RoadJames SquareJames StreetJames Street SchoolJames St West LaneJenny Lane Laburnam DrJewitt LaneJohn Kennedy RoadJohn Knox StreetJohnson StreetJohn William Street (Stop J3)John William Street (Stop J5)Jowett StreetKeighley Bus Station EntranceKeighley Health CentreKeighley Rail Station AKeighley Rail Station BKeighley Rd Beech DriveKeighley Rd Belton RoadKeighley Rd Blind LaneKeighley Rd Broad ShawKeighley Rd Dark LaneKeighley Rd Foster Park RoadKeighley Rd Haworth Old RoadKeighley Rd Lee Mill RoadKeighley Rd Lees RoadKeighley Rd Midgehole RoadKeighley Rd Nutclough RoadKeighley Rd Ogden LaneKeighley Rd Old LaneKeighley Rd Old Main StreetKeighley Rd Per LaneKeighley Rd Purprise LaneKeighley Rd Rocks LaneKeighley Rd Walkers PlaceKeighley Rd Wilcroft TerraceKeighley RoadKeighley Road Ackroyd PathKeighley Road Bedlam SlackKeighley Road Crimsworth LnKeighley Road Jane GreenKeighley Road JctKeighley Road Ogden LnKeighley Road Pecket BarKeighley Road RoundaboutKeighley Road Silsden BridgeKeighley Road Spring WoodKeighley Road Syke LnKeighley Road Trough LnKeighley RufcKeir StreetKelcoKelvin Hall SchoolKempton RoadKenilworth AvenueKenley Avenue Kenley MountKenley Parade Beldon Park AvenueKenley Parade FairwayKenmore RoadKennedy CrescentKennels And CatteryKensington Street Goulbourne StKentmere GateKenton Bank FootKent Road The OvalKenyon RoadKepstorn RoadKesteven CloseKesteven CourtKilantringan LochKildwick Lane EndKillinghall Rd Barkerend RoadKillinghall Rd Fagley RoadKillinghall Rd Fourth AvenueKillinghall Rd Harrogate RoadKillinghall Rd Higher Intake RoadKillinghall Rd Moor Park RoadKillinghall Road Fifth AveKillinghall Road First AveKillinghall Road Killinghall DrKillinghall Road Kismet GdnsKilmeny SurgeryKilner RoadKilnsea MountKingdom HallKingdom ServicesKing Edward Road-Mariners LaneKing Edward Road-Mill GroveKing George RoadKing George V ParkKinglassie RoadKings ArmsKings Arms HotelKingsburn GardensKingsdale MereKingsdale RoadKingsgate CentreKingslea CottageKingsley DriveKingsley RoadKingsmark FreewayKingsmeadow Community SchoolKings Rd Plumpton CloseKings Rd Sutton AvenueKings Rd Wood LaneKings RoadKings Road JunctionKing'S Road JunctionKingston RoadKing StreetKingswayKingsway BroadwayKingsway Ferncliffe RoadKingsway Kings RoadKingsway Park High SchoolKingsway Plumpton DriveKingsway Plumpton WalkKingsway Retail ParkKipping LaneKirkby Malham SchoolKirk Ella Beverley RoadKirk Ella School LaneKirkella West Ella RoadKirk Ella West Ella RoadKirkfieldsKirkfields Fennel RoadKirkgateKirkgate Aire ViewKirkland GardensKirklands EstateKirklands Rd Brook HillKirklands Rd Hawthorne ViewKirk LaneKirklees CollegeKirklees Home FarmKirk Ley RoadKirkmichael RoadKirkoswald RoadKirkstall AbbeyKirkstall Fire StnKirkstall LightsKirkstall Road AsdaKirkwall DriveKirkwood Gardens-Keir Hardie AvenueKirkwood Gardens-Laski GardensKirland StreetKitson Hill Rd Farrar DriveKitson Hill Rd Kitson Hill CrescentKitson Hill Rd Old Bank RoadKitson Hill Rd Slipper LaneKitson Hill Rd Southway West WayKitson Hill Rd Stocks Bank RoadKnedlington B1228Knightsbridge WalkKnightside Gardens - BraesideKnightside Gardens-Douglas GardensKnightside Gardens-Monkridge GardensKnightside Gardens-Whickham HighwayKnightside Gardens - Woodburn GardensKnightside Gardens-Woodside GardensKnoll Lane Oldfield RdKnott LaneKnowler HillKnowle Road Knowle ParkKnowles ParkKnowles Park WestKnowles Road
Knowles ViewKnowleswood SchoolKnowl Rd Doctor LaneKnowl Rd St Pauls RoadKnowl Rd Town Hall StreetKnowl Road Knowl ParkKrik Ella Church LaneLaburnum GroveLady Anne CourtLadyhill ParkLaisterdykeLaisteridge LaneLaisteridge Lane Horton Park AveLakeside GroveLamb Springs FarmLambton Arms PhLambton Pleasure ParkLambton Worm PhLambwath RoadLammas Gardens (Stop Me02)Lammas Gardens (Stop Me09)Land End FarmLane EndLane Ends CloseLane Ends GreenLane HeadLangbank DriveLanglands Primary SchoolLangwoodLanshaw ViewLanshaw WalkLantern LaneLapage SchoolLapage StreetLarkholme AvenueLarkholme LaneLarkholme ShopsLascelles Hall RoadLascelles TerraceLastingham GreenLastingham Green Bedale DriveLastingham Green ChurchLauncherhead RoadLaurel CroftLaurence ParkLauriston DriveLavender HillLaverhillsLaverock CrescentLawns Hall CloseLawns LaneLawnswood CemeteryLawnswood RoadLawnswood SchoolLawnswood YmcaLaycock LaneLaycock Lane Chapel LnLaycock Lane Hillclough GroveLaycock Lane Hill Clough GroveLayton LaneLcc PrintworksLeake LaneLeake RoadLeathley Lane EndLeeds Old Rd Upper Rushton RoadLeeds Old Road AldiLeeds Rd Ashlands RoadLeeds Rd Fourlands DriveLeeds Rd Little LaneLeeds Rd Marlborough RoadLeeds Rd Mayfield AvenueLeeds Rd Mitchell LaneLeeds Rd Park RoadLeeds Rd Thwaites AvenueLeeds Rd Wyvil RoadLeeds Road Albion RdLeeds Road Colbert AveLeeds University (Stop A)Leeds University (Stop B)Leeds University (Stop C)Leeds University (Stop G)Leeds University (Stop H)Lee Lane Lee CloseLee MillLee Mount ChurchLees Lane Lawcliffe CrescentLees Lane Lawcliffe LnLeffnollLegh Street (Stop Ae)Legion CourtLegrams Mill LaneLench RoadLentilfield StreetLeonard PlaceLeslie AvenueLeyburn AvenueLeylands Lane Leylands GroveLeylands Lane Toller LnLeylands Ln Garden LnLibraryLibrary GardensLidgett HillLidlLidl (Stop 2)Lidl (Stop 3)Lightcliffe SchoolLighthouse PathLilycroft SchoolLime Tree SquareLinburn RoadLindley Rd Ransdale RoadLindley Rd Stirton StreetLingcrag GardensLingfield CrescentLing LaneLingley Green AvenueLinskill Terrace-Grey StreetLinskill Terrace-Jackson StreetLinskill Terrace-Washington TceLister AvenueListerhills RoadLister LaneLister MillsLister ParkLister Park NorthLittleborough Square (Stop B)Little BoundsLittle Germany ULittle Germany VLittle Germany WLittle Germany XLittle Germany YLittle Germany ZLittle Horton Lane (Stop G4)Little LaneLittlemoor ParkLittlemoors LaneLittle Stanion Primary SchoolLobley Hill Road - Kingsway NorthLobley Hill Road-Newbury PlaceLobley Hill Road - New RoadLobley Hill Road-QueenswayLobley Hill Road-Victoria RoadLobley StreetLochee ParkLochgelly CentreLochgelly RoadLochlands JunctionLochleven GardensLoch Leven TerraceLochore MeadowsLochty AvenueLockgateLock GateLockoford LaneLodge CottageLodge RoadLomeshaye RoadLondon Road/Alderson RoadLondon Road/Artisan ViewLondon Road/Boston StreetLondon Road/Gleadless RoadLondon Road/Glover RoadLondon Road/Highfield PlaceLondon Road/John StreetLondon Road/Queens RoadLondon Road/Sitwell PlaceLondon Road South/Well RoadLondon Road/St Marys GateLong Bank - Eighton LodgeLongcauseway L1Longcauseway L2Longdale DriveLongdendale High SchoolLong Hill RoadLonglands DriveLong Lee Lane Moss Carr RdLongshaw BelleLongside LaneLoons RoadLord Lawson Of Beamish AcademyLoughborough RoadLoundes RoadLovell ParkLoverose WayLow Bank LaneLower BrearLower Edge Rd Whitwell GroveLower LaneLower Lark HillLower Town Station RoadLower Wellington RoadLow LaneLow Mill LaneLow Moor Medical CentreLow Moor Side LnLow Moor StationLowry GroveLowther StreetLowtownLucy Hall Drive Prod LnLucy Hall Drive Rylstone RdLumb Hall WayLund ParkLymington DriveLymington Drive TopLyndale GarageLynden AvenueLyndeneLyndhurst RoadLynebank HospitalLynfield DriveLynfield Mount HospitalLynthorne RoadLythe PlantationM62 BridgeMacainsh Parish ChurchMackingstone Lane CemeteryMackingstone Lane Holme House LnMafeking RoundaboutMagistrates CourtMaid Marian Way (Stop M2)Main LodgeMain Rd Clock LaneMain Rd Foster ParkMain Rd Station RoadMain RoadMains LaneMain St Arthington LaneMain St Church StreetMain St Cleasby RoadMain St High MeadowsMain StreetMain Street Chapel RowMain Street Crooke LnMain Street Kirklands CloseMain Street LibraryMain Street Ling BobMain Street Ling Park ApproachMain Street The Fleece PhMain Street The Old ChapelMain St Royd StreetMain St Stanbury Moor View TerraceMain St Sun LaneMalin CourtMaliston RoadMalsis Rd Upper Calton StreetMalsis SchoolManchester Rd Clayton LaneManchester Rd Donisthorpe StreetManchester Rd Newall StreetManchester Rd Park RoadManchester Rd Roundhill StreetManchester Road LidlMandale GroveManningham Lane Retail ParkManor Rd Airedale AvenueManor Rd Bradford Old RoadManor Rd Rycroft AvenueManor Rd School StreetManor RoadManor Road Carnoustie GroveManor Row AManor Row BManscombe RoadManse RoadManse StreetManywells Brow Ind EstateMaple AvenueMaple StreetMapplewell CrescentMarbridge CourtMarchburnMarden EstateMaree PlaceMarine GardensMarine HallMarine LakeMarine ParkMarket Lane-Bank FootMarket PlaceMarket Place H5 (Stop H5)Market Square (Stop S1)Market Square (Stop S3)Market Square (Stop S4)Market Square (Stop S5)Market Square (Stop S6)Market Square (Stop S7)Market Square (Stop S8)Market Square (Stop S9)Market Street (Stand 4)Market Street (Stop B)Markfield DriveMarlands Bingley RdMarlborough RoadMarshMarshall PlaceMarsh ChapelMarshfield SchoolMarsh LaneMarsh Lane Marsh TopMarsh Lane Moorhouse LaMarsh Lane Moorhouse LnMarsh Lane Moor Side LnMarsh Ln Moorhouse LaneMarsh StreetMarsh TopMartland AvenueMasons MillMaybole StationMayborough HengeMayfield AvenueMayfield RoadMayo AvenueMayo Avenue Mayo RdMayo Avenue MorrisonsMayo Avenue Morrisons (Main Entrance)Mayo Ave Rooley LaneMaythorne DriveMcadam WayMcconnell SquareMcdowall TerraceMeadowacreMeadowhead/Abbey LaneMeadowhead/Charles Ashmore RoadMeadowhead/Cobnar WoodMeadowhead/Hunstone AvenueMeadowhead/Little Norton LaneMeadowhead/Roxton AvenueMeadow LaneMeadows AveMegsons CourtMeltham Golf ClubMeltham Market Place AMeltham Market Place BMeltham Mills RoadMeltham Post OfficeMeltham Rd Chapel StMeltham RoadMeltham Scout & Guide CentreMelton RoadMemorial Gardens S4Menston Main StreetMenston Rail StnMenston Rec GrndMenston Station RdMercure HotelMeresideMerkland PlaceMerkland RoadMerlyn RoadMerrick ViewMerrion AMerrion CMerrivale RoadMerrydale Rd Roydsdale WayMerrydale Rd Wharfedale RoadMersey RoadMicklefield LaneMicklefield Lane Queen StMicklethwaite LaneMiddleton ParkMiddleton Pk CircusMiddleton Pk GroveMiddleton RoadMidgley RoadMidgley RowMidland Hotel (Stop A)Midland RoadMidway GroveMiles Hill DriveMiles LaneMillbraeMillgateMill HeyMill Hey (Stop U)Mill HouseMill House InnMill InnMill LaneMill Lane Oxenhope StationMill RoadMilner Ln Hoults LnMilner WayMinishant Post OfficeMinton StreetMirefieldMirfield Memorial GroundMitchell AvenueModel Yacht LakeMonk IngsMonk Ings AvenueMonkroyd BungalowMontgomerie StreetMoorbottomMoor Bottom Bradshaw RoadMoor Bottom Rd Fairlands CloseMoor Bottom Rd Whitley DriveMoor Bottom RoadMoor Bottom Road Trinity Academy (Stop 4)Moor Bottom Trinity CourtMoor Bottom West AvenueMoor Bottom WestgateMoor DriveMoor Drive High Field LnMoor Drive Moor WyMoore Ave Ashtree GroveMoore Ave Enfield ParadeMoore Ave Kenley AvenueMoore Ave Mount RoadMoore AvenueMoore Avenue Kenmore RdMoore Avenue Mount RdMoore Ave Poplar GroveMoor End FarmMoorend ParkMoorfield RoadMoorhead Lane Kendal AveMoorhouse Lane Oxenhope StationMoorhouse Ln Gledhow DriveMoorland CrescentMoorland RoadMoorlands FarmMoorlands Rd Ashfield RdMoorlands RoadMoor LaneMoor Park DriveMoor RoadMoorside ClubMoorside LaneMoorside PaddockMoorside Rd Fagley RoadMoorside Rd Moorside CloseMoorside Rd Musgrave RoadMoorside RoadMoorside Road Loxley CloseMoorside SchoolMoortopMoor View TerraceMoor Way Moor DrMorley Street AshgroveMornington Rd Norman StreetMornington St Barlow RoadMornington StreetMornington St Stanley StreetMorpeth Cottage HospitalMorrisonsMorrisons (Stop N5)Morton BridgeMorton CemeteryMorton Lane Druids ViewMorton Lane Primary SchoolMorton Lane St Lukes ChurchMorton Lane SunnycliffeMortons GarageMorton TerraceMosley StreetMoss Avenue (Stop D)Moss DriveMosshill Ind EstateMoss House LaneMoss Side LaneMotion StreetMottram MoorMould GreaveMountain Mill LaneMount Avenue (Stop C)Mount PleasantMount StreetMount ViewMuirton RoadMuirton TerraceMunicipal HallMure PlaceMurrayfield RoadMurrayknowe FarmMurray StreetMytholmes LaneMytholmes Ln Ebor LaneMytholmes Ln Greenfield TerraceNab LaneNab Lane Co-OpNab Lane EndNab Wood CemeteryNab Wood DriveNab Wood Drive Ashfield RdNab Wood Drive Bankfield RdNab Wood Drive Cottingley Cliffe RdNab Wood Drive HillfootNab Wood Grammar School (Stop E)Nan ScarNational Park CentreNatty LaneNatty Ln Eastwood AvenueNatty Ln Sturton LaneNautical CollegeNavitie ParkNeal AvenueNeds LaneNeidpath PlaceNelson And Colne CollegeNelson RoadNelson St Duncan StreetNelson Street Coach ANelson Street N1Nelson Street N2Neston RoadNetherbeath RoadNetherhall Rd Moorlea DrNetherlands AvenueNetheroyd Hill RoadNetherton Co-OpNetherton FarmNeville DriveNewall Carr Rd Oatlands DriveNew BankNew Bank StreetNew Beetwell Street (Stop B2)New Beetwell Street (Stop B9)Newcastle Airport Ponteland RoadNewcastle Airport TerminalNewcastle Cav CampusNew Farm Thornton RoadNew Farnley CemNewfield HallNewfield Hall GatesNewfields DriveNewhall BankNew Hall FarmNewhall GardensNew Hey Rd Leicester StreetNew Hey Rd Stafford StreetNewington AvenueNew InnNewland AvenueNewlands Grove Bradford RoadNewlands Grove Northowram GreenNew LaneNew Line Brunswick PlaceNew Line Carr Bottom RoadNew Line TopNewman StreetNew Park Rd Ashbourne CrescNew Park Road Foxhill GroveNewport B1230Newport Main RdNew Pudsey StationNew Rd Station RoadNew RoadNew Road EastNew Road SideNewroyd Rd Clipstone StreetNewton Of FotheringhamNewton Way Springfield RdNew Town CourtNibshaw RoadNorcroft StreetNorfolk StreetNorman AvenueNorman TerraceNorreys AvenueNorth Brook StreetNorthcliffe ParkNorth Dean AvenueNorth Dean Road TopNorth Ferriby High RdNorth Ferriby High RoadNorth Ferriby High StreetNorth Ferriby Melton RoadNorthgateNorthgate Halifax RoadNorthgate T3North Grange RoadNorth Halifax Grammar (Stand D)North Hill RoadNorth Holme EstateNorthlands Lane EndNorthlands RoundaboutNorth LaneNorth Lingwell RoadNorth Lodge EstateNorthowram Green Yew Trees AvenueNorth Park Rd Victor RoadNorth RoadNorth St Albert StreetNorth St Albert Street (Stop N2)North StreetNorth Street ChangegateNorth Street (Stop N1)North Street (Stop N5)North Street Wharfe ParkNorth St Spring Gardens LaneNorth St West LaneNorth Wallace StreetNorth West Fire & Control CentreNorton GroveNorwood AvenueNorwood CrescentNorwood TerraceNottingham Railway Station (Stop S2)Nottingham Railway Station (Stop S6)Nottingham RoadNtu Clifton (Stop Cl83)Ntu Clifton (Stop Cl93)Nursery HouseNursery LaneNursery RoadNuttall RoadNutter LaneOakbank BroadwayOakcliffe RoadOakenshaw ChurchOak LaneOak Lane Manningham LnOak Lane North Park LnOak Lane St Marys RdOak StreetOak Tree RoadOakwell MountOakwood ClockOakworth SchoolOatlands CornerOccupation LaneOdsal Fire StationOdsal PlaceOdsal RoadOdsal StadiumOdsal TopOld Bank RoadOld Durham Road-St Edmunds RoadOldfield House FarmOldfield Lane SchoolOldfield Lane West House FarmOld Fire StationOld Grey MareOld Hall RoadOld Haworth LaneOld LaneOld Park Rd Primary SchoolOld Pepper LaneOld PierOld Pool BankOld Pool Bank TopOld Pool RoadOld Rd Beacon StreetOld RoadOld SmyrtonOld Station HouseOld Town HallOlive GroveOliver HillOrchard AvenueOrchard Grove Averingcliffe RoadOrchard Grove Fir Tree GardensOrchard Grove Skelton WalkOrchard WayOrebank RoadOrion BoulevardOrmerod RoadOrmiston ParkOrrell Post (Stop A)Orrell Post (Stop B)Orrell Rail Station (Stop A)Orrell Rail Station (Stop B)Otley AsdaOtley Bus Stn 01Otley Bus Stn 02Otley CemeteryOtley Garden CentreOtley Rd Baildon RoadOtley Rd Heights LaneOtley Rd Hoyle Court RoadOtley Rd John StreetOtley Rd Kirklands LaneOtley Rd Lyndale RoadOtley Rd Midland RoadOtley Rd Roundwood AvenueOtley Rd Roundwood RoadOtley Rd Spring LaneOtley Rd Warren LaneOtley Rd Woodcot AvenueOtley Rd Wood StreetOtley Road Beech GroveOtley Road Hoyle CourtOtley Road St Johns CourtOtley Road TerminusOtley Road Tong ParkOtley WaitroseOur Lady Of Victories ChurchOverdale DriveOverdale ParkOver LaneOvington DriveOwlet Rd Hollin RoadOwlet Rd Prospect AvenueOwlet Road Fair BankOwlet Road Windhill CemeteryOxford RoadPaley Rd Bowling Hall RoadPaley RoadPannal Car BootParish CentrePark AvenuePark Avenue WestPark Ave Park RoadPark Ave Station RoadParkfield CrescentPark GrovePark High SchoolPark House RoadParkin Lane Holmfirth RdPark Lane BottomPark Lane Glenhurst AvePark Lane Hainworth Wood Rd NorthPark Lane Herbert StPark Lane Holme Top LnPark Lane Little Horton LnPark Lane MayfairPark Lane Otterburn CloPark Ln Parkwood StreetPark Mount AvenuePark Rd Four Lane EndsPark Rd Hall Bank DrivePark Rd Hawkhill AvenuePark Rd Park Gate CrescentPark Rd Wellington StreetPark Rd Wilson RoadPark & Ride Arrival BayPark & Ride (Stance 6)Park RoadParksideParkside Rd Avenue RdParkside Rd Birch LaneParkside Rd Hopbine AvenueParkside Rd Spring Wood AvenueParkside Rd Woodroyd RoadParkside Rd Woodroyd TerraceParkside RoadParkside School (Stop C)Park SquarePark TerracePark Terrace EndPark Terrace-Hawthorne DrivePark ViewPark View ClosePark View Rd North Park RoadPark View School - Deanery SitePark View School - North LodgeParkway HotelParkway Sandside CloseParkwood St Alpha StreetParkwood St Park LaneParkwood Street Clover RiseParkwood St Tyne StreetParsonage Rd Dick LaneParsonage Rd Keswick StreetPasture Side TerracePaternoster Row/Ss2Pavement LanePavement Lane Green LnPavement Lane Illingworth AvePavement Ln Keighley RdPavement Ln Nr Riley LnPayne ClosePearson LanePearson WayPeckover DrivePeel CentrePeel ParkPeel StreetPeep Green Rd Hartshead LanePeep Green Rd Windy Bank LanePenketh AvenuePenkill RoadPentland AvenuePentland Ave WestPepper LanePerserverance StPetersfield AvenuePeter Webster CentrePexley CourtPharmaceutical FactoryPhillips LanePhoenix SchoolPhone BoxPickering CrescentPickering Road SouthPickering StreetPickering ViewPicton StreetPiece Fields EndPiedmont RoadPiedmount RoadPilgrim HospitalPinfold LanePitch And PuttPit LanePitteuchar RoundaboutPlane StreetPlastic OmniumPlayer DrivePlayfair RoadPloughcroft LaneP & O Ferry TerminalP & O Ferry Terminal (Entrance)Police Hq Road EndPolice StationPollard AvenuePonden BridgePond Street/Fs5Ponteland Rd-Hawthorn CottagePonteland Road-Bee CroftPonteland Road-Bullock SteadsPonteland Road - Green LanePonteland Road - Newcastle AirportPonteland Road-South DrivePonteland Road - The PaddockPool Bank CourtPool Bank FarmPool Bank New Rd Old LanePool BridgePool Bridge CornerPool Business ParkPools CarrPoplar CrescentPoplar Grove Nursery RoadPoplar Grove Old RoadPoplar Rd Poplar CrescPoplars Park RoadPoplar TerracePorth Interchange Bay 1Porth Interchange Bay 2Portland Road EastPortobelloPortobello Road-Fell BankPortobello Road-Lazy Bar RanchPortobello Road-SeagravesPortobello Road-Shadon WayPort RodiePort Rodie Ferry TerminalPost BoxPost OfficePost Office Baildon RoadPost Office Sorting CentrePrestige ParkPreston RoadPreston Road-HospitalPreston StreetPrestwick Road EndPriestley HillPriestthorpe Lane Park RdPrimary SchPrimary SchoolPrimrose HillPrimrose LanePrince Henrys Grammar SchoolPrince Of WalesPrince Of Wales RdbtPrince'S ParkPrince William RoadPriory GroveProspect Mount Fell LaneProspect Mount Wheathead DriveProspect PlaceProspect RoadProspect Road The RobinsProvidence Lane Hebble RowProvidence Lane Manor ParkProvidence Lane Providence CrescentPrune Park Lane Allerton RdPrune Park Lane Rosedale AvePudding LanePudsey ChapeltownPudsey ParkPudsey WaterlooPullan Avenue Harrogate RdPullan Avenue Moorside RdPullan Avenue Victoria RdPymoor LaneQm Hospital AccessQuaker LaneQuakers LaneQuarry GardensQuarry LaneQueen Alexandra CollegeQueen Alexandra RoadQueen Elizabeth Grammar SchoolQueen Margaret Hospital (Front Entrance)Queen Margaret Rail StationQueensbury CenotaphQueensbury High StreetQueensbury RoadQueensbury SchoolQueensgate DepotQueens HotelQueens Rd Bolton LaneQueens Rd Harland CloseQueens Rd Ingrow LaneQueens Rd Kings RoadQueens Rd Queens AvenueQueens Rd Station RoadQueens RoadQueen'S RoadQueens Shopping ParkQueen StQueens TerraceQueensway Coppice Wood AvenueRacecourse RoadRadford BankRadford Bank InnRaftersRaikeswoodRaikes Wood DriveRail StationRailway BridgeRailway PhRailway RoadRailway StationRailway Station Stance A (Stance A)Railway Station Stance D (Stance D)Railway Station (Stand A)Railway Station (Stand C)Railway Station (Stand D)Rannoch RoadRansdale Rd Back Greaves StreetRavenscar AvenueRavenscliffe FarmRavens CrescentRavenshouse RoadRavensthorpe GyratoryRavensworth RoadRawcliffe GroveRawdon CrematoriumRawdon Cross RoadsRawdon Rd Mytholmes LaneRawdon Road (Stop G)Rawdon Road (Stop H)Rawdon Road (Stop J)Rawson Square HRawson Square IRay BridgeRayner MountRaynham Crescent Wimborne DriveRedcar Road ARedcar Road CRedcliffe St Cartmel RoadRedcliffe St Drewry RoadRedcliffe St Edensor RoadRedcliffe St Highfield RoadRedgates Caravan ParkRed Hall GardensRed Hall LaneRed Lion HotelRedman RoadRedwood AvenueReedley GroveReedley RoadReevy AvenueReevy Rd Green End RoadReevy Rd Ormond RoadRegency GardensRegent AvenueRegent StreetReid AvenueReid StreetRendezvous HotelRenee CloseReservoirReservoir StreetReta DriveRetail Parks CRetail Parks JRetail Parks KReuben StreetRhodeswayRichmond AvenueRidgeway Hillcrest RoadRidgeway PlantationRiding HillRiffa BeckRiffa Business ParkRiffa Farm Lane EndRigton BankRigton HillRigton Lane EndRiley LaneRiley Lane Illingworth RdRiley Lane School LnRiley Lane Valley WyRiley Ln Valley WayRimswell HoltRingstead GarthRingways Whitehall RoadRinhamsRipley StreetRipley St Ripley RoadRipon AvenueRippingale WayRiver GroveRiversdaleRiverside Cricket GroundRix RoadRoad EndRobert Smith CourtRobertson Road PavilionRoberts ParkRoberttown Lane HeadlandsRoberttown Lane Robert CourtRobin Hill DriveRobsland AvenueRochdale Rd Clay House LaneRochdale Road (Stop A)Roch StreetRockfield StreetRock StreetRokoRook LaneRooks CloseRooley Ave Rooley CrescentRooley Ave Staithgate LaneRooley LaneRooley Lane Bierley LnRooley Lane Bude RdRooley Lane Croft Leigh CourtRooley Lane Sangster WyRooley Lane Woodleigh AveRoper LaneRoscoe StreetRose BankRose Bank Oak AvenueRosebery StreetRose CrescentRose Hill (Stop M)Rosemary DriveRosemary GardensRose StreetRose Street-Morrison StreetRose TerraceRosevale StreetRoseville RoadRosewell DriveRosgill HeadRossall PointRossall SchoolRoughlee StreetRough NookRoundhay GrangeRoundhay Park GatesRoundhay Road TescoRoundhillRoundhill EstateRoundwood GlenRoundwood Ind EstRoundwood RoadRowanberry CloseRowan RoadRowantree DriveRowantree Drive Bradford RdRowantree Drive Farmhill RdRowantree Drive Greystone CresRowantree Drive Sandfield RdRowlestone RiseRowley LaneRowley Lane Clough ParkRowley Lane Hermitage ParkRowley Lane Penistone RdRoyal HotelRoyd MillRoydsdale WayRoyds Hall Lane Abb Scott LnRoyds LaneRoyds ParkRuby StreetRushden Lakes (Stop 2)Rushmoor RoadRushton AvenueRushton StreetRuskin CrescentRussell FarmRussell GroveRussell StreetRuswarp CrescentRuth HouseRycroft DriveRydal AvenueRydal RoadRydal StreetRyde AvenueRydings ParkRyecroft CornerRyehill Street (Stop Me04)Ryehill Street (Stop Me07)Ryeland StreetSacred Heart PrimarySacred Heart SchoolSaffron Drive TopSaggar StreetSalcombe AvenueSalisbury StreetSaltaire JunctionSaltaire Rd Baker StreetSaltaire Rd Dove StreetSaltaire Rd George StreetSaltaire Rd Jane StreetSaltaire Rd John StreetSaltaire Rd Murgatroyd StreetSaltaire Rd Victoria RoadSaltaire Rd Wycliffe GardensSalt Grammar School E (Stop E)Salthorn MewsSaltwell Road-Stephenson StreetSamson StreetSandbachSand BedsSandhills CloseSandholme Dr Hawthorn GroveSandholme DriveSandholme Drive Heather RiseSandholme Villas
SandmillSandy La CrossroadsSankey ForumSanta Monica RoadSavile Rd Norton StreetSavile RoadSawmillSawrey PlaceSaxton Ave Ashford GreenSaxton Ave Gracey LaneScalby Main RoadScaleScarcroft Village HallScarcroft Vill HallScarlet HeightsScar Top Rd Ponden LaneScar Top RoadScar Top Road Ponden MillScholemoor AvenueScholes Branch RoadScholes FarmScholes Lane Field HurtsScholes Lane Foldings RdScholes Lane Halifax RdScholes Lane Hillcrest MountScholes Lane Spinners LaScholes Lane The CopseScholes TerminusSchool GreenSchool Green EastSchool St Dixon ClSchool StreetSchool St Rochdale RdSchool WalkScore HillScore Hill Hud HillScore Hill Landmere SykeScorers Lane EndScosttop ManorScotchman Road Westfield RdScotland InnScott CloseScott La Bar LaneScott LaneScott Lane Slade LaScotts StreetScott StreetSeath DriveSedburgh FieldsSedburgh Sports CentreSedgfield TerraceSeedall AvenueSeldon StreetSellerdale WaySenior Way TSevenacresSeven StarsSewage WorksSeymour AvenueSeymour StreetSgt Mark Stansfield WayShaftesbury TerraceShann Lane Raynham CrescentShann Lane West LnShard Bridge InnShard RoadShawfield AvenueShaw LaneShaw Lane Pear Tree FarmShaw Lane Upper TownShaw Ln Back Shaw LaneShaw RoydShay LaneShay Lane Brow LaneShay Lane Heathy LnShay Lane Ivy House PhSheepscar JunctionSherwood GroveShetcliffe LaneShetcliffe Lane TopShetcliffe RoadShevington Primary SchoolShevington Vale Primary SchoolShibden Head CourtShibden ParkShiels CottagesShilvington JunctionShipley Central ParkShipley HospitalShipley Market Square S2Shirley RoadShopsShovels InnShree Hindu TempleShrewsbury Arms PhSibsey SchoolSidlaw StreetSilkwood ParkSilsden Rd Big Meadow DriveSilsden Rd Moor Park WaySilsden RoadSilsden Road Lower Marchup FarmSilsden Road Marchup CottageSilver CodSilverhill RoadSilverhill Road Alma PlaceSilver Mill HillSissons WaySkellandsSkipton BsSkipton Rd Appletree GardensSkipton Rd Cocking LaneSkipton Rd Dradishaw RoadSkipton Rd Easby DriveSkipton Rd Foster AvenueSkipton Rd LaybySkipton Rd Middleton RoadSkipton Rd Victoria AvenueSkipton Rd Westville RoadSkipton RoadSkipton Road Chelker ReservoirSkipton Road Dale ViewSkipton Road Dell CroftSkipton Road NetherwoodSkipton Road The HollinsSkirethorne Lane EndSladen BridgeSlaymaker LaneSlead AvenueSmallbridge LibrarySmallburnSmiddles LaneSmith Ave Donald AvenueSmith Avenue Halifax RdSmith House LaneSmithies LaneSmith StreetSmithy Carr LaneSmithy HillSmyrton HillSnaygill Industrial EstateSnaygill R'BoutSod HillSouth BankSouthbank BSouth Craven SchoolSouth Craven School GroundsSouthfield LaneSouthfield Lane Beldon RdSouthfield Lane Cross LnSouthfield Lane Haycliffe RdSouthfield Lane Hillam StSouthfield Lane Methodist ChSouthfield Rd Hutton RoadSouthfield RoadSouthgate (Stop B)South Happas Farm Road EndSouthlands FarmSouthlands GroveSouth Lane/Cumberland StreetSouth Ln Frances StreetSouthmere Rd Southmere CresSouth ParadeSouth StreetSouth Street Ingrow West StationSouth Street Rawling StreetSouth St Victoria RoadSouth St Woodhouse RoadSouth View RoadSouthworth AvenueSovereign CloseSower Carr LaneSparSpayne RoadSpeeton Avenue Beacon RdSpeeton Avenue Old RdSpen BankSpence LaneSpencer PlaceSpencer RoadSpenser RiseSpen Valley Leisure CentreSpen Valley RoadSpen Victoria CcSplit Crow Road-Clyde StreetSplit Crow Road-Fife StreetSports CentreSpout HouseSpout House LaneSpring Avenue Spring PlSpringdale CrescentSpringfield AvenueSpringfield CentreSpringfield DriveSpringfield Rd Grove RoadSpringfield Rd View RoadSpringfield Rd Whitwell GroveSpringfield Road Springfield CourtSpring Gardens LaneSpring Gardens LnSpring Gardens Ln Castle RdSpring Gardens Ln Holy Family SchSpring Gardens Ln Holy Family SchoolSpring Gardens Ln Shann LaSpring Gardens Ln Spring Gdns MtSpring GroveSpringhead AvenueSpring Mill LaneSpring Mill StreetSpring Mill Street Baird StSpring Mill Street Dalcross StSpring Mill Street Ripley StSpring Mill Street Tiley SquareSpring Mill St St Stephens RoadSpring RowSprings Lane Tivoli PlaceSprings Lane Wheatley RdSprings Medical CentreSpring StreetSpringwell Rd-Felldyke SchoolSpringwell Rd-Springwell TceSpringwell Road-Baxters FarmSpringwell Road-Bowes RailwaySpringwell Road-Primary SchoolSpringwell Road-Social ClubSpringwell StreetSpringwell VillageSpringwood GardensSpring Wood Gardens Tristram AveSquire Lane Springroyd TerStafford StreetStagecoach Bus DepotSt Aidan'S CetcStainland Rd Long HeysStainland Rd Queen StreetStainland Road Health CentreStair Foot FarmStandish Post OfficeSt Andrews ChurchSt Andrews CrescentSt Andrew'S InfantsSt Andrew'S JuniorsSt Andrews'S SurgerySt Andrew'S SurgerySt Andrews TerraceStand RoadStandroyd DriveStangs Lane End(Stanion) Clarendon Close(Stanion) Epping Road(Stanion) Grays DriveStanley Rd Canal RoadStanley Rd Livingstone RoadSt Anne'S RoadStanningley By-PassSt Ann'S RoadStanroyd BungalowSt Anthonys Rc SchoolSt Anthony'S SchoolStar InnStationStation BStation DStation Rd Borrins WayStation Rd Fenay DriveStation Rd Hanover WayStation Rd Langford LaneStation Rd Oak StreetStation Rd Oak Tree AvenueStation Rd Oak Tree TerraceStation Rd Smithy LaneStation Rd Steeton Hall GardensStation Rd West DriveStation RoadStation Road-Arts CentreStation Road Baildon Rail StationStation Road-BridgeStation Road-Chicken RoadStation Road-Dorset AvenueStation Road Hollins HillStation Road LowertownStation Road Low FoldStation Road Main StStation Road-Mullen RoadStation Road Netherhall RdStation Road New Mill RdStation Road North-Hotspur RoadStation Road-North RoadStation Road-Queens CrescentStation Road (Stand J)Station Road Steeton & Silsden StnStation Road (Stop P)Station Road (Stop R)Station Road-St Pauls DriveStation Road - Town CentreStation Road -Town CentreStation Road WatersideStation Road-WesterdaleStation Road-Whitley RoadStation Road-Wiltshire DriveStation Road - Worm Hill TerraceSt Augustine'S ChurchStaunch FarmStaveley GroveStaynall LaneSt BarnabasSt Barnabas PlaceSt Bedes GrammarSt Bede'S School GroundsSt Chads DriveSt Clare'S ChurchSt ColumbasSt Columba'S ChurchSt Cuthberts High SchoolSt Cuthbert'S High SchoolSteeton Primary SchoolSteeton & Silsden StationStena TerminalSt Enoch'S Rd BridgeSt Enoch'S RoadSt Enoch'S Road TopStewarts LaneSt Finnian'S ChurchSt Gregorys SchoolSt Helena CentreSt Helena Rd Ormond RoadSt Helena Rd Tennyson RoadSt Helen'S LaneSticker LaneSticker Lane DunelmStirling Crescent TerminusStirling RoadStirling StreetStirton Lane EndSt James ChurchSt James' ChurchSt James Gardens (Stop D)St James RoadSt James'S ChurchSt John Rigby CollegeSt John'S CentreSt Johns ChurchSt John'S ChurchSt Johns High SchoolSt John'S SchoolSt Joseph'S College (Stop A)St Joseph'S SchoolSt Kilda CrescentSt Leonards AvenueSt Leonards CourtSt Luke'S Hosp - Horton WingSt Lukes HospitalSt Luke'S HospitalSt Margarets RoadSt Mark'S ChurchSt Marys ChurchSt Marys CrescentSt Marys Rd Oak LaneSt Mary'S SchoolSt Matthew'S ChurchSt Michaels ChurchSt Mungo AvenueSt Ninians RoadStockport RoadStocks House FarmStocks LaneStockton StreetStonebridge DriveStone Leigh FarmStoneleigh RoadStoney LaneStony Lane Dalecroft RiseStony Lane JunctionStony Lane Ollerdale AveStoresStorrs HillSt Patricks PrimarySt Pauls Avenue Halifax RdSt Pauls Ave St. Pauls GroveSt Pauls ChurchSt Paul'S ChurchSt Pauls Hill RoadSt Pauls RoadSt Paul'S RoadSt Peters CentreSt Peter'S Primary SchoolSt Peters Way Menston Primary SchoolStrathmore AvenueStrawberry GardensStrawberry StreetStreet Head FarmStrid WoodSt Stephen'S RoadSt Thomas' HallStuart PlaceStubbings FarmStubley DriveStubley PlaceStump CrossSt Vincent CrescentSt Wilfrids RoadSummerbank CloseSummer Hall IngSummer ManorSummerville RoadSummerwood PlaceSunderland Road-BungalowsSunderland Road-Byron WalkSunderland Road-Chad HouseSunderland Road - Felling MetroSunderland Road-GarageSunderland Road-Holly HillSunderland Road - Kirkwood GardensSunderland Road-LodgeSunderland Road-Moore StreetSunderland Road-St James CourtSunhurst DriveSun InnSun LaneSun Lane Lumbfoot LnSun Ln Main StreetSun Ln Reservoir RoadSunningdale Crescent Cullingworth RoadSunnybank AvenueSunny Bank Rd Crossley LaneSunny Bank Rd Leeds Huddersfield RoadSunny Bank Rd Robin Royd DriveSunny Bank RoadSunny Bank Road Moor ViewSunny Bank Road The CoppiceSunny Brow RoadSunnydale CrescentSunny MountSunnyroydSunnyside RoadSun St Cold StreetSun StreetSun Street (Stop K)Sun Street Woodlands RiseSutton AvenueSutton House RoadSutton Lane EndSuttonsSwain House CrescentSwales Moor RoadSwan HotelSwanland Beech Hill RdSwanland Main StreetSwanland RiseSwan LightsSwanwick StreetSwine LaneSwine Lane Mayville AveSwinnow Co-OpSwinnow GreenSwinnow Rd By PassSwinnow Rd By-PassSycamore CloseTandem WayTarn RoadTaybank DriveTay CloseTaylor Hall LaneTaylor PlaceTaylor StreetTelephone BoxTelephone ExchangeTemple Alwyn GardensTemple GardensTenbury FoldTennant'S Arms HotelTennis AvenueTennyson AvenueTesco StoreTeviot StreetTewitt Lane BottomTewit Well AveThackeray RoadThackley CornerThackley Corner AThackley Corner BThackley Old RoadThackley Rd Park AvenueThackley RoadThe Albert Hotel PhThe Auld HooseThe AvenueThe BaileyThe BirdwalkThe BoulevardThe Broadway-Beach RoadThe Broadway-CrosswayThe Broadway-Ealing DriveThe Broadway-KennersdeneThe Broadway-Mast LaneThe Brown Horse InnThe BuccaneerThe Buck InnThe Coach House PhThe CrescentThe Crescent EastThe Crescent WestThe Crown HotelThe Dalesway PhThe Dip (Stop Cl86)The Dip (Stop Cl90)The DriveThe Drive-SchoolThe Drive-Sycamore GroveThe FairwayThe Farmhouse (Stop Cl88)The FountainThe Galphay ArmsThe GarageThe GatewaysThe Golden Fleece Bradshaw LaneThe GreenThe GreenwayThe GreyhoundThe GroveThe Grove Newton WayThe Grove Providence AvenueThe Harvester (Stop Wi34)The Harvester (Stop Wi35)The HatterThe Hut GroupThe LawnThe LoaningThe Masons ArmsThe Moorfield PhThe Moorlands InnThe Odd CoupleThe Old OrchardThe Old SawmillThe Old School HouseThe Old WatermillThe OvalThe OwlsThe Parade AThe Parade BThe Parade CThe PierThe PinesThe PoplarsThe PrairieThe Prospect PhThe RiddingsThe Rockwell CentreThe Sankey ArmsThe Spinning MillThe StonegravelsThe StrandThe Stray ParkThe Three TunsThe Willow Tree PhThe ZoneThick Hollins Rd Acre LaneThick Hollins Rd Coach RoadThirlmere Ave Lower Edge RoadThomas Cook PlaceThompson LaneThorgrow Close Croft Flat DrThornaby DriveThornbury AThornbury AvenueThornbury BThornbury BarracksThornbury CThornbury DThornbury RoundaboutThorncliffe RoadThorndale RiseThorn DriveThorner LaneThorne StreetThornfield GroveThornhill RoadThornhill Road ShopsThornhills LaneThorn LaneThornton GateThornton HallThornton LaneThornton LodgeThornton Primary SchoolThornton Rd Brighouse & Denholme RoadThornton Rd Brighouse RoadThornton Rd Close Head DriveThornton StreetThornton View RoadThorpe LaneThorpe Lane EndThorp Garth(Thrapston)Thrapston House(Thrapston) Thrapston LibraryThrostle LaneThrostle Nest FarmThrostle Nest Farm LeThwaites BridgeThwaites Bridge Parkwood StreetThwaites Brow Rd Bank Top WayThwaites Brow Road Sunnydale GroveTiverton WalkTodd StreetTofthill PlaceToft House FarmToftshaw MoorsideToll BarToller Lane Masham PlaceToller Lane RoundaboutToller Ln Heaton Park DriveToller Ln Lynton DriveToller Ln Toller DriveTong CemeteryTong St Melford StreetTong St Rook LaneTong St Tennis AvenueToothill LaneTowerTower StreetTownend CourtTown End FarmTowngate Clifton CemeteryTowngate Grange LaneTowngate Towngate AvenueTown HallTown Hall (Stop Ad)Town HouseTownley RoadTown StreetTransport ClubTrevore DriveTrident Way BridgeTrinity AcademyTrinity NTrinity RTrinity RoadTroweir RoadTrunnah ChurchTrunnah RoadTudor Way-Brunton LaneTudor Way - Lydford CourtTudor Way-Petherton CourtTudor Way - Stuart CourtTullideph RoadTummel DriveTurnberry Golf CourseTurnberry RoadTwizell CottageTwo Ball Lonnen-West RoadTyersal CrescentTyersal GarthTyersal GateTyersal GreenTyersal ParkTyersal Road Tyersal ViewTynemouth Road L-Angle TerraceTynemouth Road - Ravensworth StreetTynemouth Road-Rosehill RoadTyne RoadTyne Road EastUllswater AvenueUllswater Community CollegeUndercliffe CemeteryUndercliffe Cemetery SouthUndercliffe Rd Airedale StreetUndercliffe Rd Pelham RoadUndercliffe RoadUnderwood RoadUnion RoadUnion StreetUnion Street JUnited UtilitiesUnstone HillUpper GreenUpper Hird St Grafton RoadUpper Hird StreetUppermoorUpper Naylor Hill FarmUpper Park GateUpper Park House FarmUpper Rushton Rd Moorlands AvenueUpper Rushton Rd Silverhill DriveUrnfieldUsher StreetUtley CemeteryVale Mill LaneVale RoyalVale View Dradishaw RoadValley Drive EndValley Drive ParadeValley MillsValley ParadeValley Rd North Holme StreetValley Rd Poplar RoadValley Rd Shipley Fields RoadValley Rd Singleton StreetValley Rd Wallbank DriveValley Road JunctionValley View CloseVaudrey LaneVenture RoadVernon RoadVesper Gate DriveVesper RoadVesper WalkVictoria AVictoria AvenueVictoria Avenue Glenmere MountVictoria CVictoria Embankment (Stop Me05)Victoria Embankment (Stop Me06)Victoria HospitalVictoria Hospital North GateVictoria HotelVictoria IVictoria MillsVictoria OVictoria ParkVictoria QVictoria Rd Stewart CloseVictoria RoadVictoria Road Blackley RdVictoria Road Brooksbank SchoolVictoria Road Chapel StVictoria Road Melrose CourtVictoria Road-Queen StreetVictoria Shopping CentreVictoria Square (Stop A)Victoria Square (Stop C)Victoria StreetVictoria TerraceViewfield TerraceView Rd High Spring Garden LaneView Rd Lismore RoadVigo LaneVigo Lane-Cricket GroundVigo Lane - Firtree AvenueVigo Lane-Harwood CloseVigo Lane-Laburnhum AvenueVigo Lane-Sycamore AvenueVigo Lane-Woodlands SurgeryVillageVillage HallWaddington CourtWade House Rd Brow LaneWade House Rd Wade House AveWaggon And Horses PhWainman Street TowngateWaithlands RoadWaitroseWalker FoldWalkers Arms Lower Green AvenueWalkers RowWallace StreetWallsgreen GardensWalsh LaneWalton LaneWalton StreetWapping RoadWareham CornerWaring Green CentreWar MemorialWarneford AvenueWarren Lane Stone HillWarren Lane Swan AveWarren Ln Warren DriveWarrington West Railway StationWarth BridgeWarwick DriveWashington HospitalWashington StreetWatchhallWatergate RoadWater LaneWaterloo DepotWaterloo JunctionWaterloo MorrisonsWaterloo Rd Owlcotes RoadWaterloo Rd Sunny Ridge AveWaterloo RiseWatersideWater Treatment PlantWaterworksWatty Hall RoadWavelengthsWawne FerryWay GateWaysideWayside InnWayside MountWebster StreetWeeton StationWeetwood LaneWeetwood Police StnWelbeck RoadWelburn AvenueWeldon Village AcademyWell Green LaneWell Head FarmWell Heads Half Acre RdWell Heads Half Acre RoadWell Heads SchoolWellington BridgeWellington Bridge St Real Time TrackingWellington CWellington DWellington FWellington GWellington HWellington IWellington JWellington MWellington NWellington OWellington PWellington PlaceWellington QWellington Road-Collingwood TerraceWellington Road-Dunston RoadWellington Road-Nelson StreetWellington SquareWell LaneWell Terrace (Stop A)Well Terrace (Stop D)Wenning Street Airedale StWenning Street Valley RdWensley BankWensleydale CloseWentworth DriveWesley RoadWest Bank RiseWest Bars (Stop E)Westbourne GroveWestbourne Grove Bradford RoadWestbourne RoadWestbrook HouseWestburn AvenueWest Busk LaneWest Busk Lane Bradford RdWest Busk Lane Duncan AveWest Busk Ln Maylea DriveWest Busk Ln Prestwick CloseWest Chevin RoadWest Craven HsWestcroft WayWest Ella Manor CourtWest EndWestercroft LaneWestern Avenue Dunkirk RiseWestern CemeteryWestfieldWestfield JunctionWestfield Lane Greenacre AveWestfield Lane Norham GroveWestfield Lane Sellerdale AveWestfield Lane TowngateWestfield Lane Westfield GroveWestfield Ln Wyke LaneWestfield PlaceWestfield RoadWestgate BWestgate CWestgate CommonWestgate DWestgate EWestgate EndWestgate GWestgate H9Westgate Marsh GardensWestgate Newton WayWestgate Road-Elswick StreetWestgate Road-Gloucester RoadWestgate Road-Tindal StreetWestgate Walk-In CentreWest Grange DriveWesthill Ave Greenside LaneWest HouseWestlands RoadWest LaneWest Lane Bank CrestWest Lane Belmont AveWest Lane Cemetery RdWest Lane Coronation MountWest Lane Dene HillWest Lane FenWest Lane Highmoor WalkWest Lane Oakleigh ViewWest Lea AvenueWest Ln Belmont AvenueWest Ln Westleigh DriveWestminster DriveWest Park RoadWest Park StreetWest Road-CollegeWest Road-Roman FortWest Road-Shipley AvenueWest Road-The PlazaWest Royd AvenueWest Royd Drive High Busy LnWest Shaw Lane MillsWest Shaw Lane Stone LnWest TerraceWestviewWest ViewWestway BroadlandsWestway Shann LaneWestway The ChaseWetherby Bus Stn AWetherby Police StnWetheriggs RiseWetherspoons PhWeymouth AvenueWharfedale Rd Lumb Gill LaneWharfedale Rd Moor LaneWharfedale Rd Rockhill LaneWharfedale Rd Skipton RoadWharfedale Road Chelker House FarmWharncliffe RoadWharncliffe StreetWheathead Cres Wheathead LaneWheat Head Drive Prospect MountWheat Head Drive Westburn AveWheat Head Lane Wheat Head CrescentWheat Head Ln Branshaw DriveWheatlands GarthWheatley LaneWheatley Rd Clifton RoadWheatsheaf HotelWheat Street BottomWheat Street TopWhernside LaneWhetley HillWhickham Highway-Knightside GardensWhinfield AvenueWhinfield DriveWhin Knoll Ave Wardle CrescentWhin Knoll Ave West LaneWhinmoor LaneWhinney Royd LaneWhitaker ParkWhitcliffe Mount SchoolWhitcliffe Mount School Turnsteads AvenueWhite Abbey Road TopWhiteacreWhite BearWhitechapel GroveWhitechapel Rd ChurchWhitechapel Rd Turnsteads AvenueWhitechapel Rd Turnsteads DriveWhitechapel Road BridgeWhite CrossWhitefaulds AvenueWhitegates GroveWhitehall Avenue BottomWhitehall DriveWhitehall GroveWhitehall Ind EstWhitehall Road Griffe RdWhitehead PlaceWhite HeatherWhitehill RoadWhitehill Road Threap CroftWhitehouse LaneWhitehouse Ln Harrogate RdWhitelees RoadWhite Swan PhWhitewalls DriveWhitewell Green LaneWhitewell Green Ln Springfield RdWhitley Road-Proctor & GambleWhitley Road-Quarry BridgeWhittington HillWhittington LaneWhittington WayWhittle AvenueWhitwell Green LaneWhitwell WayWhyte StreetWibsey Co-OpWibsey High StreetWibsey ParkWibsey Park Avenue Boston WalkWibsey Park Ave Reevy AveWibsey Park NorthWickham StreetWigan StreetWilford Green (Stop Wi06)Wilford Green (Stop Wi09)Wilford Lane Tram (Stop Wi36)Willans RoadWillerby Kingston RoadWillerby Square Beverley RoadWilliam Lovell SchoolWilliam Street NorthWillington SquareWillow DriveWillow Garth AvenueWillow RoadWillshaw Mill RoadWilmer Rd Garden TerraceWilmer Rd Park View RdWilsden Rd Goit Stock TerraceWilsden Rd Prune Park LaWilsden Rd Shay LaneWilsden Rd Wilsden Old RoadWilshaw Rd Bradshaw RoadWilshaw Rd St Marys ChurchWilshaw Rd St Marys CourtWilshaw Rd The AvenueWilshaw Road St Marys CourtWilson StreetWilton CourtWilton ParkWilton Park GatesWilton StreetWindermere RoadWindhill First SchoolWindhill Old Rd Brakendale CresWindhill Old Road H&RWindmill Court HotelWindmill LaneWindmill RoadWindmill SchoolWindsor GroveWindsor RoadWindsor StreetWindsor TerraceWindy Bank LaneWindy Bank Lane Hare Park LnWindy Bank Lane Sixth AveWindy Bank Lane Tanner StWindy Bank Ln Second AvenueWingrove Road-Fire StationWinstanley CollegeWinston RoadWistow GroveWithgill FarmWolley AvenueWoodcot Ave Midland RdWoodcot Ave Thornmead RdWoodend RoadWood FarmWoodfield DriveWoodfield LodgeWoodford Medical Centre(Woodford) Rose TerraceWoodgate LaneWoodgate RoadWoodhall LaneWoodhall Lane Crossfield FarmWoodhall Lane Sports GroundWoodhall Park DriveWoodhall Pk GroveWoodhall PlantationWoodhall Rd Shell LaneWoodhall Rd Thornhill StreetWoodhall RoadWoodhall Road Holly Park MillsWoodhouse Ln Car PkWoodland LodgeWoodland ParkWoodlands DriveWoodlands RoadWoodland WalkWoodlea CourtWoodridgeWoodside Rd Cornwall AvenueWoodside Rd Cross Moor CloseWoodside Rd Gloucester AvenueWoodside Rd Park GreenWoodside RoadWoodside ViewWoodsley RoadWood StreetWoodville Rd Laurel MountWorsborough AvenueWorthinghead SchoolWorth Way Hanover StWortley RingwaysWreakes Lane TopWrose Brow Rd Leeds RoadWrose Brow Rd Raistrick WayWrose Brow RoadWrose GroveWrose Rd Carr LaneWrose Rd Claremont GroveWrose Rd Kings RoadWrose Rd Oakdale DriveWrose Rd Plumpton WalkWrose Rd RoundaboutWrose Rd Westfield LaneWrose Rd Willow GroveWrose Road Low Ash CresWrose Road Wrose AveW Royd Mount W Royd RdW Royd Rd W Royd MountWycliffe GardensWycliffe RoadWyke BanksWyke Community CentreWyke CrescentWyke Lion JunctionWyke Old LaneWyke ParkWyke Town GateWyke Village GreenWynmore AvenueWyre HotelWythenshawe Interchange (Stand F)Wyvil CrescentYeadon MorrisonsYeadon Town HallYetholm RoadYew ParkYoung StreetYouth CentreZetland PlaceZoar Inn
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