Afișează autobuze, troleibuze și tramvaie prin GPS
primul. | următorul. | ultimul. |
primul. | următorul. | ultimul. |
Afișează autobuze, troleibuze și tramvaie prin GPS
Serviciul arată locația autobuzelor, troleibuzelor și tramvaielor prin sistemul de poziționare prin satelit GPS/GLONASS. Puteți afla unde se află transportul public și decide când să mergeți la stație.
început - sfârșit / header / cause / effect | description |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Kossuth Lajos tér M and Szemere utca towards Gyöngyösi utca M CONSTRUCTIONDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Kossuth Lajos tér M</i> and <i>Szemere utca</i> towards Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út ► Gyöngyösi utca M.</li></ul> Autobuz 15 |
- is not accessible without barriers at Infopark TECHNICAL_PROBLEMNone | <ul><li>Tram <strong>1</strong> is not accessible without barriers at <i>Infopark</i>.</li></ul> Tramvai 1 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li><br><p><strong>Trolleybuslines 70 and 78</strong> are running on diverted routes. The <em>Kossuth Lajos M</em> stop is relocated in Báthory utca to Honvéd utca.</p><br></li></ul> Troleibuz 78Troleibuz 70 |
- runs on a diverted route on the Pesterzsébet section OTHER_CAUSEDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>151</strong>, night line <strong>948</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between Pesterzsébet, Baross utca and <i>Szent Imre herceg utca</i>.</li></ul> Autobuz 151Autobuz 948 |
- is not accessible without barriers at Corvin-negyed TECHNICAL_PROBLEMNone | <ul><li>Metro <strong>M3</strong> is not accessible without barriers at <i>Corvin-negyed</i>.</li></ul> Metrou M3 |
- does not operate on the whole affected route POLICE_ACTIVITYNO_SERVICE | <ul><li>Funicular does not operate .</li></ul> |
- does not operate between Boráros tér H and Jászai Mari tér POLICE_ACTIVITYNO_SERVICE | <ul><li>Tram <strong>2</strong>, <strong>23</strong> and <strong>2B</strong> does not operate between <i>Boráros tér H</i> and <i>Jászai Mari tér</i>.</li></ul> Tramvai 2BTramvai 2Tramvai 23 |
- runs on a diverted route between Vörösmarty utca M and Clark Ádám tér POLICE_ACTIVITYDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>105</strong> and <strong>210</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Vörösmarty utca M</i> and <i>Clark Ádám tér</i>.</li></ul> Autobuz 210Autobuz 105 |
- runs on a diverted route between Krisztina tér and Deák Ferenc tér M POLICE_ACTIVITYDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>16</strong>, <strong>178</strong> and <strong>216</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Krisztina tér</i> and <i>Deák Ferenc tér M</i>.</li></ul> Autobuz 16Autobuz 216Autobuz 178 |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Deák Ferenc tér M and Szent István Bazilika POLICE_ACTIVITYDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>9</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Deák Ferenc tér M</i> and <i>Szent István Bazilika</i>.</li><li>Trolleybus <strong>72</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Arany János utca M</i> and <i>Szent István Bazilika</i>.</li></ul> Autobuz 9Troleibuz 72 |
- runs on a diverted route between Kossuth Lajos tér M and Kálvin tér M POLICE_ACTIVITYDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Kossuth Lajos tér M</i> and <i>Kálvin tér M</i>.</li></ul> Autobuz 15 |
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